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Hi everyone!

Time for the MotM preview. We've also done the Variants, so you can see those too.

For this month, we thought a classic flooded dungeon would be good fun, with lots of different levels resulting in different depths of flooding. Explore the Royal Tombsof Bethryn!

We've also made the three... I mean FOUR variants! (Yes, a bonus one!).  We thought having a non-flooded version would be very handy, and then Sarah had the idea of also doing one where the tomb complex is still in use, with occasional royal burials.  That could allow some interesting time-jump adventures...

We also thought the layout felt quite Dwarven, so there's a snowy and non-snowy pair of Dwarven tombs.


Right, now it's time for you to suggest Alt-versions of the MotM.  How would you re-imagine this location?  What else could be here? Who else could use this space?  What else happens here?  Put your ideas in the comments below and we'll pick our favourites for a poll :)




Completely underwater, built and used by tritons or some other underwater race.


Grain silo towers. The city of Lankhmar has loads of them, but personally never come across a floorplan of one.