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Hey all,

I got straight to work today on the Alt-version of the Gladiator school, and produced the winner of the poll - The Elven Senate.

This large map features an exterior and interior view of a forest meeting space for elves, used for generations.

We think you'll be able to use this space for intrigue, ancient rituals, a place to shelter on the road, assassinations (both doing and preventing!), the meeting place of dragons and much more.

There was quite of lot of discussion about this winning idea, and some disappointment that the drow/duergar/underdark ideas didn't win.  We're going to definitely include something from those options next month, possibly as the main MotM, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, if you're desperate for Underdark stuff now, we've got a fair few bits over at DTRPG 

Have a great day!




René Bargisen

Hi Joe, I’m a very big fan of night version of the maps as it allows many many game play actions, that simply won’t work at daytime, or you can stretch gameplay from day to night and opposite. Of course it takes extra time producing these versions. Have you considered a new ‘night version tier’ for your supporters so we could pay you for night time versions of the maps you produce? I would GLADLY pay up extra for that :-).