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Hey everyone

Last month we finished the final level of the Cave of the SeaBeast megadungeon, and so it was time to start the next one.

Usually we've run a poll to ask you, but there was one idea that a few people had mentioned at various times throughout the year, so we thought instead we'd go with that.

You may recall several months ago (a year, even??) we had a map called The Gates of Dhu'um - an infernal gateway in a hellscape.

Well, we're going to be creating the hellish fortress it guards. This is map 1 of the Fortress of Dhu'um (50x50).  We're going to have another level below this, then the rest will be climbing up this vast evil tower!

We've loosely planned out what's going to feature on each level, but we'd also like to hear your suggestions for locations/features etc for this infernal fortress.  No guarantees, but some of the ideas might make it into a level :)

Hope you all like it!




Sebastien Rodrigue

Some kind of pen to keep swarms of wailing larva (one form of currency on the lower planes) would be cool

Lloyd Ritchey

I'm not even into Fantasy, but that's the beginning of one heck of a STAR FORTRESS you're creating there!