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Hey everyone,

We're so excited to announce that it's our 10th Birthday Sale at DTRPG (and Roll20).  That means it's been an entire decade since we uploaded our very first map to DTRPG, just hoping to sell one or two copies to make enough to pay for us to get it printed for our own games. 

And things went from there. From one map on DTRPG, to over 1100 maps! 


Obviously we wouldn't be where we are today without the support of everyone that's ever bought our maps or backed us on Patreon. It's amazing that so many of you enjoy our maps. We know some of you have been buying our maps right from the start - we've seen your names in our email inbox forever!  

So, let's get on to the sale!

It's a massive one! First off, we've taken 60% off everything in the catalogue. Over a 1000 maps at a fantastic discount. Even if you own a huge number of our maps, you'll find something!

Secondly, and this is very cool - we've got a brand new MegaDungeon - Harshmoor Depths. 

There's a very cool story behind this map set. 

We wanted to do something that represented 10 years of map making. So, we looked up the best-selling map of each year we've been making maps, and then came up with a new map inspired by that older one.  Then, we worked out a story to thread all 10 maps together into a coherent megadungeon!

We've also put together a comprehensive DM Resource to accompany it, with a background story, plot hooks and tables for each level of the dungeon.

And it's in a bundle of all 10 maps and the supplement, with 75% off!

So, head over to DTRPG to check out the sale, or go here if you want to look at the Harshmoor Depths megabundle first. 

There's also some great deals on Roll20! 

The sale runs until July 14th!

Thanks so much, and enjoy!!

Joe & Sarah




Congratz! As a side note, it might be worth including time zone for the cut off of anything time-limited that you are doing, when you say "until 14th July", I wasn't expecting the sales to end halfway through the day on 14th. Probably for the best, as I would have likely just ended up spending much more money than I can afford on maps that are really beautiful but far too specific for me to ever use just for the pleasure of owning them, had I had a chance to browse them properly after work, but still, it would be nice to know exactly what to expect in terms of timing as there's people from all over the world supporting you. It's not a criticism in any form, just a suggestion for something that might make people's lives a bit easier.

Ryan Rogers

It looks like the sale ended 12 hours early, I had 70 items in cart and was finding the last few DT:RPG only lest you check out 75 at a time) when the price ballooned by 60% at like 12:03 PM ET. Even if it was UK time, it's only 5pm there. Adding all of the items to wishlist, will wait until next year I guess. :-(

Heroic Maps

The sale is automated by the DTRPG tech team - when a date is given to them it's set to end at 10am EST, which is around 5pm in the UK. I've manually extended the sale until Midnight GMT, which is in about 6 hours. Thanks! Joe

Heroic Maps

The sale is automated by the DTRPG tech team - when a date is given to them it's set to end at 10am EST, which is around 5pm in the UK. I appreciate giving that info is helpful in future. I've manually extended the sale until Midnight GMT, which is in about 6 hours - just in case you were tempted... Thanks! Joe