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Hey everyone,

Time for the Sci-Fi preview!

A rather long map this time!

The Gannet Class Cargo Hauler is a 20x60 map featuring a long container ship. Crew quarters at the front, a long spine, and engineering at the rear.  It'll have container and non-container versions, plus generic overlays for the interiors of the containers if you want to go into them



Brian Guerrero

VERY cool. At some point, I'd love to see maps for the pods, too. Regular transport pods, but also specialized pods like freezers, life support, full, empty, etc. Even big chunks of raw material like ore or ice that have been fitted with a clamps to fit the cargo pod holders. Also, at approx. 4x7 (exterior) the pods aren't super big, and with only 10 per ship, that's not that much cargo. UNLESS there are a variety of pod sixes. Maybe some extra wide pods, or maybe standard pods are relatively narrow... but like 5 stories tall! (heck, maybe orientation changes so the floor door from the main ship access corridor becomes a vertical door along the back wall of a long pod. Additionally, if you added a door to the corridor ceilings, you could add a another row of pods above the current row (so one row above and one row below the mid-level of the ship) and double the cargo capacity. Once you establish standard pod sizes, you can assume these get used all over the system. Other ships might have cargo holds sized to fit standard pods. There might be forklifts and tugs built to move pods. You could do a transport yard (terrestrial or orbital) full of stacked pods. Wrecked pods would show up in junk yards. Scappy camps might have structures built out of repurposed pods. You might even find pre-fab research bases or new colonies (or military bases) built out of modular units (labs, kitchens, sleeping quarters, airlocks, offices, armories, garages, command centers, etc.) that use the same pod dimensions and exteriors as transportation pods so they can be delivered by Gannet-class Cargo Haulers.


Great map/ship. One thing that would be cool for a future sci fi map would be a space ship boarding action. It would have to be a bigger map but two ships side by side with some kind of docking tube(s) connecting them. Maybe do a variant without the docking tube but the ships are further apart to represent the battle before the boarding.