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Hey all

At the start of the month we shared with you the preview of June's MotM - the Mountain Road, and asked you to suggest what was inside the archway

We've picked 5 of the ideas, and you can vote for your favourites

We'll be doing the runner up as July's Third Map, so you'll get two of these :)

Mountain Hostelry/Tavern - a place for travellers to rest, sleep, eat and restock supplies, plus make an offering at a small shrine.

Prison for Ancient Evil - deep in the mountain, an ancient magic prison for a great evil

Abandoned Dwarven Temple - fallen and ransacked, though a hidden vault contains still a magical artefact

The Great Stairs - a cavern with stairs leading deep, deep deep down, and also stairs going up to the mountain top

The Undead Alchemist - the lab and study of an undead alchemist/lich

Pick your favourites - you can vote for as many as you like, and you have 48 hours!


René Bargisen

My vote went to the Stairs. Is doesn’t make any sense to me to have a large map with a passage, many creeks etc perfect for ambush and long range fight just to lead to a simple tavern. We’ll see how the voting ends :-).


I voted for the stairs too, we already have lots of tavern maps but we don't have one like that yet