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Hi there,

June's Schedule

Here's what we've got planned for the month

1st June - Third Map Poll: we'll be asking you to vote for the Third Map

2nd June - Rewards: we'll be releasing the new maps

4th June - Megadungeon Poll: Time to pick the next set of megadungeons

7th June - MotM Reveal:  A preview of the next MotM and variants, and a chance to suggest alt-versions.

10th June - Alt-version Poll: We'll be asking you to vote for your favourites

15th June - SciFi Preview: You'll get to see the next sci-fi map

21st June - Alt-Version Preview: Time to check out the alt-version

24th June - Third Map Preview: We'll be revealing the Third Map

27th June - Mega Reveal: Previews of the first levels of the two mega-dungeons.



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