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Hello, its been awhile since we've had some kind of news update. We'll have some info about upcoming projects soon but for now the following changes are being made to the commission tiers:

The sketch tier is remaining the same. The pinup and illustration tiers now reflect our public commission pricing and guidelines which will allow commissioners more flexibility in what they can ask for. All "limited" tiers have been dissolved. We're now allowing people to ask for what they want though we still reserve the right to turn down anything we feel is either in bad taste or ill suited to this campaign. See the following for all tiers and pricing moving forward.

  • $2 - Toe Dipper  (No changes)
  • $5 - Full Access (No changes)
  • $15 - Image Pack Subscription (No changes)
  • $25 - Sketch Commission (No changes)
  • $100 - Pinup Commission
  • $175 - Illustration Commission
  • $250 - Comic Commission

All other extras (such as discounts on additional commission images, monthly image packs, etc) still apply.

We will be putting together a chart reflecting the new guidelines to post soon. If you have questions ask them below.


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