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Okay hi, Episode 4. Make sure you watch the first part of the post-watch review! 😉 

Click here to watchalong with me! 

On the Patreon mobile app, I set up those individual chat rooms for specific shows. I asked if I should drop these episodes back-to-back or on separate days. Overwhelmingly y'all said back-to-back. So please enjoy and we'll see you again next week for more!

Looking forward to your comments. 😊

✦ KL



Chris Elkins

The acting from Vincent D'Onofrio as Fisk making him so likable and fearful at the same time is amazing. The moment the Russian guy showed up at his dinner... I was like this dudes fucked up I assumed Fisk was just gonna take it out on the whole russian mob at once not take his head off with a car door lol... cant wait to see whatss next.

Bryan Dempsey

I caught episode 3 last night before bed and watched #4 this morning. I had forgotten both your Kingpin disclaimer and the animated movie so when your epiphany hit, I was racking my brain about where you had heard of Wilson Fisk before. I assumed a video game. Spider-verse was a forehead slap moment for me. I love this series, I think every casting choice is spot on. I can’t imagine anyone else playing any of these characters. I’ve watched this series twice myself, third time now along side your reactions so I do understand why the criminal element of the series hasn’t yet taken shape. It will make sense as the series progresses and will make more sense if you ever rewatch. The rescue of Claire was one of my favorite scenes in all of television. Rosario knocked it out of the park with her acting. And when that bat connected with the guy’s head your reaction was easily worth the price of an annual Patreon membership. I love the fact we were shown both sides of Wilson Fisk in one episode and at no time did the pacing seem off. Everything occurred as it should. I just found out this week that Charlie Cox, Matt Murdock himself, will be in my town for a comic con in June. Rewatching this, I think I may have to go get a photo and autograph with the man. P.S. haven’t said anything yet, but the bangs are cute. Your hair has framed your face very well these last couple of weeks. Looks great!


Charlie is gonna be in Calgary next month at the Expo there! Along with a ton of other people. I've decided to meet Dee Bradley Baker, though! Can't wait. And thank you!