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Hey everyone, just a basic post today and no fancy graphic. I felt a little unwell last night and then woke up this morning will full-blown nausea (and worse) yay. 😂 So it's easier to do this from my phone right now.

The rest of what was coming this week will be out tomorrow. And moving forward, every Monday is going to be the dedicated day of my work week to record Patreon Exclusives so I can return to releasing them throughout the week. Lately I've been doing those all near the end of the week which I don't want. It's better for me to get them done before dealing with any copyright stuff on the channel releases, as copyright is usually what ends up delaying the exclusives. No more!

Venom and Rear Window will be the channel reactions this week, going out on Wed and Fri. 🥳

Members on Patreon will get watchalong and early access to Good Will Hunting and Into the Spider-Verse this week. GWH is being watched before I get to the next View Askew movie, thanks to Omar and Tyler for bringing that up to me! This has shifted my schedule around a bit to fit that in. X-Men won't be starting til Feb. I'll be watching and editing it this week, but not sure that I'll finish in time to get it out before next Sunday.

Agents of SHIELD and Better Call Saul will continue this week for Insiders folks. I'll be posting the episodes I need to tomorrow, and then each show will have two more episodes that come out through the rest of the week.

For Twitch and YouTube gaming streams, they'll be on Tuesday and Thursday night starting at 17:30 MST. Doing slightly shorter streams this week.

I'm excited for the week ahead! Hope you are too. ☺️ Thanks for being here. ❤️



Feel better! I just got over the flu myself, being sick sucks.


Hope you feel better soon Kaiielle!