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Hello everyone! Here is the edit for Dogma, which will premiere Monday Jan 22 at 11:00 MST / 18:00 UTC. Yes, bumping up the premiere time by two hours to see if this works better for my working schedule, here's hoping!

Thank you SO much for watching. This edit took sooo much longer than most 2h movie edits take. I kept going back to the start of the movie and changing my mind on what to include vs. exclude. So I apologize that this took a while to be shared.

Please enjoy!

✦ KL


Dogma (1999) ✦ Reaction & Review ✦ WOW

00:00 - Start 01:54 - Marker 1 41:11 - Marker 2


Chris Chatham

This movie was an important part of my deconstruction as a young adult before I had that term to describe the process. I love it, and wish it were more widely accessible too!


It was because of my Mom and the voice of God, I ventured into the VASU. Dogma was the first Kevin Smith movie I ever watched. I have been a big Alan Rickman fan since I was a kid in the early 90’s. When Dogma was released and the controversy surrounding it lead to news articles and buzz etc… my Mom told me about this movie that she had read about and thought I would enjoy it given the presences of Alan, but also because of the subject matter. I was raised in a Christian household, but have personally never been super religious or even really cared for organized religion. I have always been fascinated by religion and all the many interpretations. I love engaging stories and the Bible is a classic. I guess you could say I like the idea of religion, just not the practice. When I was young, I did enjoy going to my childhood church and spending time with my friends there. Our minister, Pastor Baker, our Sunday school teachers, and youth leaders were all awesome and made the telling of the gospels fun and entertaining… However, as I grew up, going to church became less and less important and as my friends grew up and moved on, Pastor Baker passed away, members left the congregation…Overtime my childhood church no longer felt the same. I would go back as an adult many times for various holidays and celebrations, but it was just never the same and because of various life events and memories, going back also brought sadness with it as the years stretched on… So, back to when Dogma was released on home video and I used one of my free rentals at work to rent it. I couldn’t wait to see Mr. Rickman be amazing and also to see what the fuss was all about. I was familiar with who Kevin Smith was,and that he made independent films. I had never seen one of his movies in full before, but I worked at a video store when he was all the buzz. I saw so many clips of his films on our advertising trailer tape that I didn’t feel the need to watch his films in full. I was young and stupid 🤦‍♀️ Of course I LOVED this movie and immediately, well as soon as my free rentals started over the next week, rented the first 3 films of the VASU to get caught up. As life happens there are a few of his latter films that I have missed watching, but will eventually. As far how this impacted my religious views, it mostly only justified how I felt about religion, and showed me I wasn’t the only one to think like this. That religion and faith can be good ideas, but they can be so easily twisted and used as weapons when you let beliefs cloud your better judgement and character.