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And here's my reaction to Episode 8! Click here to watchalong. As always, loving the character development and relationships and it's clear that's the ultimate focus of this show. I said at the very end that I will try my best to get 3 episodes out next week for you instead of 2. If I do that, they probably won't get shared back-to-back, but maybe. 👀 We'll see. Thanks so much for watching!


✦ KL



Chris Elkins

Another big tie in to MCU with the opening direct tie in too Thor dark world and cleaning up after the mess left behind. not to mention all the other tie ends in this episode, like you said so much character developemnt each episode for each character, more so for certain characters per episode which makes perfect sense to learn more about them faster then just a little here and there.


I love this episode a lot. The idea of an Asgardian just kinda chilling on earth for a thousand years is cool to me, but obviously there's also so much character and team development in this episode specifically that I absolutely adore. I can't disagree with Onno Smits that the yelling looks a little bit goofy, that said, in this show specifically, I couldn't care less what things look like. It's the story that's great.

Perry Campbell

Can’t wait for more reactions my favorite character is May of course what badass. I love her in book of boba fett too.