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Hello everyone! I had to push this reaction back a day for copyright reasons, womp womp. Here is the watchalong and the edited version should come later tonight! Click here to watchalong with me (if you see an Unlock button, don't click that, click the Refresh link below it to login) and thank you for doing so!

I'm looking forward to chatting about this one with you all and the second movie will be coming out next week! I'm really looking forward to it.


✦ KL



Bryan Dempsey

Good point KL, this version of Peter doesn’t have any clear character traits that would invite bullying. Other than the fact he doesn’t seem to have any friends when we meet him in high school, he’s known for photography, styles his hair, and is comfortable on a skateboard. He even stands up to Flash on behalf of a smaller/younger student. There’s less of a leap for Peter into Spider-man once he’s bitten. Sam Raimi’s trilogy lives rent-free in my heart but I thoroughly enjoy this take but I think you helped me solidify why I don’t revisit these more. They certainly had an opportunity to make this new take their own. Instead, much like Raimi they stuck with the basic plot of the comic book almost to its detriment. Andrew Garfield is a great actor and Emma Stone works perfectly as his love interest. But they didn’t really do anything new. I will say I have on occasion just rewatched the clip where Spider-man is swinging to Oscorp via the crane line-up. The comic accurate poses as he swings and the score…that so abruptly swifts when he’s done with the Ariel ballet. It’s a choice for sure. Now I’m onto the edit version to see what the studio allowed you to release and to hear your thoughts!


when you said Garfield Spider-Man I don't know why I pictured Garfield the cat in a Spider-Man outfit