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Hello! Continuing through the end of Season 2, click here to watchalong with me to Ep 8! I think I recognized a tie-in to Breaking Bad, let me know if I'm right. 😂 Thanks for watching everyone!


✦ KL




Your right the Dog House was in BB. It's the scene were Jessie buys the revolver when he thinks Tuco is after him and Walt. Take care

Brian Settles

Take care of that back, and you were right about Dog House! They show it on multiple occasions in Breaking Bad. I always appreciate the stuff Mike watches on TV, even back in Breaking Bad. The guy has some good taste! I honestly felt bad for Paige in that meeting, Kim is her friend but she has to represent the Bank and Kevin literally owns it so it's always gonna be his call. I was honestly wondering if any of the legal jargon Chuck was talking about seemed familiar to you. I know laws differ and that probably wasn't something you dealt with much anyway.


My back already feels a lot better today so far! Mike does watch good stuff. 😊 Yeah I feel bad for Paige as well. No, what Chuck was talking about wasn't familiar at all. I didn't work in law. Law and banking really only merge strongly in the Wills and Trust area of banking, when people are setting up their money to be given to others.