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Hey everyone! I have room in my December schedule for one more movie and I decided to put this one up on YouTube. It's a poll of classics! I feel like so many modern holiday movies are super cheesy (Hallmark movies) and hey maybe these ones are too, but why not get another older movie watched anyway?! I have no idea what's going to win this poll tbh.

Here's a link to it to go and vote! 


✦ KL



David Curtis

Definitely It's a Wonderful Life


That wasn't even an option at first, but I changed it last minute. 😂


It's a Wonderful Life would be a great introduction to the director Frank Capra and the star James Stewart. Then you should watch Frank Capra's It Happened One Night (1934), the first movie to get the big five Academy Awards, a feat not duplicated until One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). A great comedy that some consider the first rom-com but don't let that scare you away.