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Kicking myself so hard that I never watched this as a kid, or if I DIDDDD, that I have no recollection of it?! Madness. Thank you again to Manic_Expressions for picking this one for their MotM pick! 

Click here to watchalong. 

Please enjoy and thank you for watching with me!

✦ KL




When I hear someone say, “Disney would never allow that in a movie or show…” I laugh to myself and think you’ve clearly never seen Hunchback. I am not sure who pitched the idea of adapting Victor Hugo’s timeless gothic novel of romanticized love, death, lust, and jealousy, all set against the backdrop of 15th century Paris, but I thank them every time I watch this movie or listen to its soundtrack! I saw this in theaters when I was 15 and have loved it ever since. I was just the right type of moody teen to understand and appreciate everything in this movie. I remember the “controversy” about this being so dark, with way too much sexual undertone. Not to mention pre-reformation Catholicism being central to the story. At 15, I was sold at dark with sexual undertones 😆 Frollo is one of the best Disney villains in terms of being so vile, evil, and realistic. It is very easy to dislike him. Tony Jay had a voice made for villainous roles. This is one of my favorite soundtracks. “God Help the Outcasts” always brings a tear to my eye. It is a beautiful prayer, that more people should hear, imho anyway. The “Bells of Notre Dame” and “Hellfire” are epic. I totally feel you on the choir music and goosebumps. This truly is a beautiful movie, and I am so grateful for the lessons it teaches. Idk how familiar you are with the source material, but this was a pretty loose adaptation or perhaps culmination of various adaptations that were made for the stage and screen over the last 200 years since the novel was first published in 1831. If video essays interest you, Lindsay Ellis did a fun one about this movie a few years ago. What a trip into my youth, thank you for the fun reaction and thank you to Manic_Expressions for choosing this as your MOTM pick!

Richard Flores

Here I am with eight sentences in limbo that were never posted while I try to figure out pacing and tone; and there you are saying everything I wanted to say in ways I wish I could. Kat, thank you, this was masterful. Oh, by the way, I agree with everything. Thanks, Manic_Expressions!

John Burns Burnsey

We love Hunchback, because we are all so similar. We all want to find that great romance. And we believe anyone can take the hero’s journey.