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The most non-spoiler thumbnail I could think of. 😂

Hi everyone! I've just uploaded my reaction to Part Five of Ahsoka - enjoy this watchalong! This is certainly a big episode to talk about.

I've already rewatched some of this episode and made a HUGE connection/realization that I didn't catch in my first watch and thus didn't talk about and expand on at all in this video so I will do this in the comments of this post. Please avoid that for now if you don't want to be spoiled (if you haven't watched this yet). For the edited version that will go on YouTube, I'll record these additional thoughts to edit in!

Thank you so much for watching and I'm looking forward to your comments!


✦ KL




OKAY, so in my re-watch of the WBW scenes.. I had a lightbulb moment that made everything click for me and this is the theory I'm running with. When Ahsoka says "I won't fight you" and Anakin replies "I've heard that before." Isn't Luke the only other person who has said that to him? And that was to VADER in Return of the Jedi. Anakin switching up his appearance and invoking the dark side seemingly pretty effortlessly makes me think that the Anakin in the WBW is all of him. From all points in time. All wrapped up into one. He has become a true balance of light and dark, and someone who is in control of it and has mastered it. Instead of becoming a Force Ghost (even though we saw him as one at the very end of ROTJ, I'm kinda gonna ignore that or consider it like him transitioning to the WBW), he moved to the WBW permanently. He can oversee all moments in time in the WBW. With Ahsoka he invoked dark side a bit when maybe he felt he needed to but switched back to the light before saying his goodbye to her, "There's hope for you yet." 🥹 I really need to re-watch the Mortis trilogy from The Clone Wars because I feel like there's lines in that I need to hear again. Wasn't Anakin essentially pegged to be the new Father, the ultimate Chosen One, the ultimate balance. Hell, even if I just go to the comments section of my post where I shared that reaction, I could probably feel some clarity. With Ahsoka the White now in full force, has she become the Daughter of the Force? The Daughter was bright and white and if Anakin is finally in full balance of light and dark in the WBW and pulled Ahsoka in for more training... did he just train her to be the Daughter?! GAH YOU GUYS THIS EPISODE IS WILD.

Perry Campbell

Dang u put this u quick. Getting ready to watch with u. This episode was amazing. I loved when Anakin flexed his shoulders and became Vader for a 2 seconds sic😍😍😍😍


that whole flashback sequence was really something.. it genuinely felt like this missing piece to her story. in clone wars she had her successes and failures but she never seemed to question what they were doing as a whole. i always chalked it up to her just following anakin's lead and being an exuberant kid who was good at fighting and wanted to prove herself.. but she did get existential about it at some point early on, apparently. it is so sad seeing what the older jedi put their younger generation through. it's bad enough they were involved in the way they were, but they forced a bunch of kids to be soldiers. anakin was so good at it he never stopped. ahsoka seems like she had the innocence and life sucked out of her, in addition to guilt, and copes with it by detaching from her emotions and forcing herself into this somewhat false stoicism. poor barriss never wanted to fight, was forced to, and got so traumatized she snapped. and those were their best up and comers, and look what they did to them. what about all the other padawans.. cal, kanan.. it messed them all up for life. i was just reading one of the old clone wars books and it had an almost identical scene of a younger jedi comforting a rando no name clone who was dying and couldn't be helped and it hit harder for some reason than almost anything else among the dozens of sw novels i've read. very fitting, but tough to see something so similar here too.

Sean H

Simply breathtaking, no two ways about it. This is truly peak Star Wars, the entire show for me is peak Star Wars. The performances, cameos, dialogue and choreography are all simply phenomenal. And a KANAN NAMEDROP?? This is truly a good day lmao Live action Rex man, LIVE ACTION REX! My favourite part of this episode was definitely ahsoka’s white robes like we saw in the epilogue of rebels. She looks absolutely stunning! 11/10, I am NOT okay but in the best way possible. Fantastic reaction as always, KL.


I think you are quite right about Anakin being the Father and training Ahsoka to become the Daughter. Bringing her to the point where she realized she wants to live was the turning point to become the Daugher. You can see a for a second the dark side in her eyes (timestamp 25:16) when she had his lightsabre and all the anger she had build up inside of her. To then chose to not attack showed Anakin there is still hope for her becoming the embodiment of the light side, the Daughter. Before she was grey, emotionless and most of it had to do with Anakins fall i guess, learning about him becoming Darth Vader. She blamed herself for his downfall and what happened to him in the aftermath. The same goes with what she experienced with the clones and their betrayal (not sure if this is a part of it). After she realized it she came back in all white symbolizing the light side she had chosen. Her behaviour from then on was more positive and hopeful even we just started with her transition. btw it reminded me alot to LotR and Gandalf. Crazy how this Theory became true. It was also nice to get the confirmation he wasnt a Force Ghost. Dont think you have to ignore it its just he had ascended to be more than just a ghost. Would have loved to see more of him and Ahsoka. Maybe some talking about his downfall but maybe we will get more of him and Ahsoka later on. Two things that bothered me. First one is not really realted to the Episode but i learned only recently that they didnt hired Nick Gilllard who was responsible for the fight choreographies in the other Movies. The fight was good but i think Gillards experience could have elevated them. Missed chance. Second and that was a big one. How the hell could Hera hear them fighting!? She has no connection to the Force, not in the slightest. Im fine with Jacen hearing them cause he is not only force sensitive but also has a stronger bond with the Force through his Father but Hera has nothing of that. I can live with it but that made no sense at all. Anyway, great cast decision with Ariana Greenblatt playing young Ahsoka. She has talent and i hope she will get her chance to grow and not get wasted by Hollywood like some others. Another thing is the clear difference between Daves Star Wars and Disneys Star Wars(technically its still Disney yeah yeah). It feels so much more like Georges Star Wars. Im really curious how Iger will response to the success of Ahsoka after all the setbacks with KK´s abomination. Thanks as always. Take care.


I just catch a nice details Dave gave us to know what Anakin this was in the WBW Ahsoka said I don't want to fight you, he said I heard that before, so it is definitively Anakin post ROTJ ( it was a reference to Luke in ROTJ) I agree that he seems to be in a Father like role now after becoming a Force Ghost, to keep the balance. Ahsoka is not really the Daughter but certainly the avatar of the light, so he had to make sure she did not die and return with a different mindset. Why he was not blue is easily explained because the WBW is a dimension in the cosmic Force itself so the rules ( if there is even that) are different. Thanks for the quick upload, this episode will be remembered for a long time for sure.

Andrew Sitek

Regarding your thoughts on ahsoka and Anakin fighting and the inner vader testing her, they both said that she has everything he was, including the bad and hinting at vader. After Rebels and learning about Vader she saw that as something she would've learned from him in that same vein. Anakin was trying to teach her that just because you lose a fight (coming back to what he says to her at the beginning of the episode) doesn't mean you have to give up. The highlight of this to me is that they talk about the legacy of masters (Ahsoka > Anakin > Obi > Qui-gon) and brings it all the way back to the Qui-Gon quote to Obi in episode 1 "Your focus determines your reality". Basically saying how you decide to see the world determines how you feel about it and how you live your life. Anakin in the world between worlds would obviously know about this quote and the meaning behind it and he's trying to teach that to Ahsoka. She's focusing on the negatives, being closed off (not training Grogu, Sabine), the clone wars flash backs of Anakin trying to teach her that being a leader means providing hope, distractions, positivity, etc. rather than focusing on the negative. After the siege of Mandalore flashback she's worrying about the darkness inside her that Anakin fell to and since he was a greater jedi than her, she's just as susceptible to falling if not moreso. Ahsoka choosing to live is her saying she's going to live life with a positive focus rather than letting her personality die. Then we see her emerge in her Ahsoka the White garb, hugging Jacen, smiling, confident. etc. So emotional and fantastic. Thanks for coming to my (and Dave's) TED talk.


Holy crap!!! I was right in my prediction from two episodes ago (just didn't anticipate Sabine going with Baylan, back then) 😃 What an episode... Clone Wars, Siege of Mandalore, Young Ahsoka, Anakin... ❤️❤️❤️ Ok. Time to watch your reaction now that I've watched it on my own 😁

Steve Mercier

Holy fucking shit this episode! Holy shit this show! It was obviously kick-ass to have Hayden back--he was awesome as the Clone Wars/Matt Lanter version of Anakin. But Rosario is absolutely killing it. Her entire demeanor changed when she awakened from the World Between Worlds, and her training with Anakin. Behold Ahsoka the motherfucking White! Good shit.