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Hey everyone! It's time for another episode of Ahsoka and I can't wait to talk about this with you all! This show is so fun so far and I can't wait for more. Click here to watchalong with me. 


✦ KL



Steve Mercier

My favorite episode thus far...just let Filoni and crew do their thing, and I think this series is fucking gold.

Perry Campbell

Great reaction!!!! I have seen reactors throwing Sabine under the bus. I would have done the same thing Sabine did. My best friend died of Cancer, I would have done anything for more time with him. I couldn’t believe how mean people can be. Thanks for being a true Star Wars fan

Sean H

PEAKKKKK FICTIONNNNNN! My favourite little detail in this episode was the fact that there’s a picture of kanan in the cockpit of the ghost, and I’m pretty sure it’s a photo of Freddie prinze jr like AAAAA I CANTT Now, with Sabine joining Baylan, I wanna talk about this for a second cuz a lot of people think she was out of character for joining him. Regardless of her feelings about Ezra, what was Sabine supposed to do? If she refused to give Baylan the map he or shin would’ve killed her, and ahsoka wouldn’t even be able to help her either. And Hayden coming back and calling Ahsoka snips OMGG, he looks so good 😆 Phenomenal episode, this show just gets better and better.


I have been LOVING the Ahsoka show so far! Every episode has been great but THIS ONE, was nearly perfect, I would probably argue it might be perfect! We had spectacle, incredible fight choreography, mystery, and everyone and everything just looked stunning as well! At first I thought Morrok was some sentient gaseous species, or something like that because the Inquisitor from Tales of the Jedi deflated too. But Morrok did fail around more and didn’t seem like he was hurt, just dead. As well as the green smoke and ominous screams that erupted out of him alongside that smoke. So I do think he was some sort of enchanted Nightsister magic zombie. His armor was rusty and Green Smoke leaks out of Savage when he dies because he was enchanted with Magic. “Your family died because Ahsoka didn’t trust you” is very interesting. Sabine didn’t challenge Ballen on that statement so I think Sabine at least already believes that, whether that is the whole truth or not remains to be seen. SHIN is probably one of my new favorite characters in fiction period. She is just so COOL, STUNNING, and INTERESTING. I’ve seen many fans looking at her like she is just a psychopath attack dog who enjoys killing. But I STRONGLY DISAGREE. I definitely see her was being a character who’s main drive is to be an “effective asset” every time Balen tells her to do something she nods and does it, and when she seems to be doing well at her task that is when we see her iconic smirk. Additionally she only really gets mad when someone shows her up or hinders her effectiveness. Her fighting style like Belon’s is also super different from what we’ve seen before. In an interview her actress Ivanna Sakhno, said that her fighting style was inspired by a Tibetan Fox which is just cool! I don’t know if Belon had any animal inspiration but I see him as a Grizzly Bear, and a Medieval Knight. Anakin. Oh Anakin. I first thought that this was just his force ghost, pulling Ahsoka into the World between Worlds. But now it seems more threatening. If you look closely to his lightsaber on his hip, it resembles Vader’s hilt more than Anakin’s hilt, but it’s isn’t a perfect Vader match. So if I had to guess, this is Anakin’s ghost but either decides to test her in a real traumatizing way, or he is still a bit Vader and needs to be defeated in some way. I dunno but I’m excited! I haven’t commented in a bit, but I’ve loved watching Ahsoka with you so far, and I’m still working through your Mando watchalongs.


I def missed the photo of Kanan, that's amazing. I def don't think Sabine was out of character. Ezra was family to her and super important. It's hard to rationalize the prevention of Thrawn over rescuing your bestie. A lot of us would do what she did even if we think we would do something else. I'm really excited for Episode 5. I'm genuinely hoping the whole episode is set in TWBW and it's just a convo between the two of them for like 45 mins.


No worries Justin, I know I dropped a LOT of Mando and BBF all at once in the span of like two weeks. Appreciate you watching along. This was a pretty perfect episode - very good Star Wars here! Good shout on the Savage death, I def didn't remember it well enough to make that connection myself. I am very hopeful we'll get more info about Ahsoka and Sabine's history on her previous training. It's still feeling like a slow build to it but we don't have many episodes left so I'm hoping they get to it soon. Perhaps if the next episode is focused on a conversation between Anakin and Ahsoka in TWBW, maybe he'll address how she's training? Not sure what to expect - open to anything! The version of Anakin that we're seeing... that one is def a tricky one to know for sure until we get the episode. With Vader's theme playing and like you said, the lightsaber resembling Vader's more than Anakin's, it is def possible we're getting a Vader confrontation situation but he's disguising himself as Anakin and being friendly at first? Gosh, who knows! All I know is that it's gonna be very good.