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Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a great weekend and a good start to your September. I'm officially ready for fall to hit any minute now. Here in Alberta, this is typically the month where the furnace starts kicking in because it can get pretty cold at night and we often have the first snowfall of the year at some point in September. I'm eager to get back to sweater season after a very hot summer.

First, welcome in to all the new patrons that joined during August and in the past two days! Keepin' Up With KL is my monthly newsletter that I write at the start of every single month. This is where I share a ton of information and insight and provide updates for what's to come ahead. I always want to be as open and transparent as possible and many folks here find value in these newsletters and being involved in the behind-the-scenes of the channels. It also provides some different content here to sprinkle in between everything else and I really enjoy writing these and sharing. Thank you so much for being here!

Before I get into the meat of the newsletter, I am making some changes effective tomorrow. I don't think these are super drastic changes for most of you, but I want to talk about it anyway.

❓WHY ❓

This time of year, I get into that "Back to School" mode. I always take time to sit and reflect on how the year is going so far, how am I feeling, and do I need to make any changes to not only get rid of bad habits, but also set myself up for success for the rest of the year and then into the next?

I decided to really sit and analyze things and one of the things that I did was look at my time data. I have been tracking all of my time using an app on my phone for the past year and a half and despite tracking it, I've never properly looked at my data. Until now.

And I came to a few realizations:

  • I have been consistently overworking myself because I'm trying to do too much and I think I've known that for a while but I've just been denying it and thinking it's not a problem.
  • I don't feel like I have that much of a balance in my life unless I actually book time off, which is not healthy for me long-term.

I love making videos for y'all and as much as I want to bring you ALL THE THINGS, I really need to do this at a pace and capacity that is sustainable for where I'm at right now and doesn't end up breaking me. So until I can consistently afford to outsource help with my videos, I have to make some adjustments to ensure that I can keep bringing you the best me that I can bring in my videos!


1. An indefinite pause on kale plays - my gaming channel

  • Calling it indefinite, because I'm not giving up on it completely. I just don't have the time for this channel like I thought I would have. Almost all of my 70-80 hour weeks in my time tracking app were weeks that I was working on kale plays content alongside reactions. 
  • Unfortunately, TLOU and TLOU II are going to be continued on my own time. Sincere apologies to those of you who had watched my playthrough so far and were enjoying it. The TLOU vids on my channel will be taken off public view and changed to unlisted
  • Discord is the space you'll want to be in to keep up with gaming chatter! I'm not sure what games I'm going to get into on my own time, but I need to fall in love with gaming again and it needs to be in a space where I don't have to be "on" for a camera and I don't have to talk for viewers. Just doing it for me.

2. No more set dates for reaction content

  • I will continue to share what I'll be reacting to, so that you all know what you can look forward to, but I will no longer have a set Monday/Friday release schedule or specific dates for exclusive reactions here on Patreon.
  • In looking at my time data, I've come to realize that I am terrible at predicting how long an edit may take and how copyright may handle it. Some edits end up happening super fast and some edits take forever, even if the movies are the same length. Some edits get no copyright hits at all and for some edits I have literally stayed up all night fighting multiple copyright checks and doing multiple re-edits with minimal sleep, which affects my To-Do list the following day and ends up delaying things. I'm mostly just super tired of feeling guilty when I say that a reaction will come on a certain day and then it doesn't and this has happened too much in the past.

I love what I do. I love my channel, I love this Patreon community. Y'all are the BEST and make my day every day. This is by far the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life and outweighs everything I've done in my life previously.

Please let me know if you have ANY questions and I will answer. Thank you! ❤️

August Numbers

  • # of Videos: 44 total (⬆️) - 5 public videos (⬇️) and 39 for Patreon (⬆️)
  • Impressions: 4,802,207 (⬆️)
  • Total Channel Views: 230,642 (⬆️)
  • Views on August's Videos: 37,277 (16.16%) (⬇️)
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): 3.4% (⬆️)
  • Watch Time: 51,675.2 hours (⬆️)
  • Average % Viewed*: 32.3% (⬇️)
  • Unique Viewers: 103,163 (⬆️)
  • Net New Subscribers: 934 (⬆️)

The symbols beside each data point indicate if the figures are up or down relative to the previous month. If there is an equal sign, there is no change.

* This data point tells me how much of a video that a viewer watched. Because my videos are usually longer, I like my percentage to be around 30%.

Reactions Posted

Top Reactions in August

  • Avengers: Endgame [Part 2] - 69,432 views
  • Avengers: Endgame [Part 1] - 22,429 views
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home - 11,107 views

Since I uploaded Endgame on the last day of July most of its views happened last month.

Top Reactions in 2023

  • Avengers: Endgame [Part 2] - 84,141 views
  • Captain America: Civil War - 64,955 views (⬆️ 3,209)
  • Saving Private Ryan - 41,371 views (⬆️ 3,125)

Endgame pushed Spaceballs out of the Top 3!

Top Reactions on the Channel

  • Revenge of the Sith - 473,801 views (⬆️ 2,206)
  • Avengers: Endgame [Part 2] - 84,141 views
  • Iron Man - 71,801 views (⬆️ 1,882)

Lookit that, Endgame has firmly secured a place in a top video on the channel! Are we surprised? 😂 It booted Return of the Jedi out of the Top 3.

Viewer Like/Dislike Ratios

  • Most Liked Reaction: a tie with both of my WandaVision videos at 99.3% likes / 0.7% dislikes.
  • Most Disliked Reaction: Signs with 98.2% likes / 1.8% dislikes.

- - - 

Since I took time off at the start of August and then had so much focus on Star Wars exclusives here on Patreon, I didn't put out that many videos on the channel. However, this worked out because of the success with my Endgame reaction. It worked out to be one of my better months in the channel's history.

Something to celebrate: The channel hit 20,000 subscribers on the evening of September 1st! 🥳 Thank you, thank you!

I am very excited for everything I'll be watching this month! Robocop went out two days ago and that reactions performance has exceeded my expectations. I'm personally really looking forward to Mallrats, The Matrix, and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier the most

As per the changes I described above, the original dates I shared for reactions this month probably won't all happen exactly on those days. But everything listed there is what I'll be working on. 😊

I am going to do another YouTube poll at some point this month and I'll share the details of that here too once it's up, so keep an eye out!

Patreon Lounge

I will be using this a lot more to provide little updates to y'all, especially now that I don't have a set release schedule. The Lounge is currently accessible through the Patreon Mobile App. It's like a chat room that we all can talk in. I don't know if they are going to bring this feature to the website - I hope so!

There are two lounges:

  • kaiielle's Lounge - open to everyone. I'll use this to bring updates on movie reactions for the channel and other chit-chatty things!
  • Exclusive Series Lounge - open to all of the Insiders tiers. I'll use this to bring updates on the exclusive reactions.

Insider Reactions

I am incredibly sorry for the unintentional break that I've taken the past two weeks with these. The reactions will be resuming this week. I'm very eager to start these shows, I just needed a reset and to figure out a plan for myself. Thank you for your patience. ❤️

Patreon Shop

I've made some progress on this that you'll notice if you pop in there. I'm still really annoyed about Patreon's minimum price for a listing, but it hasn't deterred some folks from purchasing, so maybe it's fine. I might still lower the price in the future if the option is given to me.

Bundled Reactions

For obvious reasons, I am unable to make all of my bundled reactions available as part of membership at all tier levels. If a bundle is $15, then my $15 tier and up will have access to it, but the tiers below that won't. That said... If you have paid the price of a bundle (or more) through your membership history here and you would like access to those MP4's, please send me a DM and I will send the link to you. Also, if you would like access to a specific MP4 that is part of a bundle, you can DM me for this too. Example: you want just The Empire Strikes Back, but none of the other Star Wars watchalongs.

Member of the Month

If you missed it, Manic_Expressions was our winner for September and they picked The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996). Even though this should have been a childhood movie for me, it never was! I know I've watched scenes from the movie over the years, but I have zero recollection of sitting through the whole thing. I am very excited to give this a watch, so thank you Manic!

And Your Regular Patreon Reminders - Mostly for New Folks

  • Early Insiders Tier: If you are currently in this tier and you process a cancellation of your membership, your spot does become available to someone else immediately. This means that you might not be able to re-join this tier later.
  • Annual Memberships: If you think you're gonna hang around here for a long time and you want to save some money, you can switch from monthly to annual at any time and save 10% on your membership! You can do this in your Membership settings. This also qualifies you immediately for Member of the Month if you've been here less than 6 months.
  • Discord Server: I always like to remind you about my server, where you can chat with myself and others in the community a bit better in real-time on a daily basis and it's a great way to connect. I've hosted some movie nights recently (for movies I've seen before) and I have watch parties for the TV show Gotham almost every Saturday morning (my time). We are almost halfway through Season 2 right now. To join, sync your Discord account in your Patreon settings and you'll be automatically put into the server. Since opening the server to the public, we've had some people from YouTube come and join us in the space and it's been great getting to know some folks a bit better!

In my Discord server, watch parties for Mr. Robot will be starting on Saturday, Sept 9. I've been hosting watch parties for Gotham for the past few months, but Netflix removed it at the end of August and it's not on any other streaming service in Canada. So we are moving on. Mr. Robot is one of my favourite shows of all-time and if you'd like to join us, just pop yourself in there and make sure to click Interested on the weekly events. I am really excited to re-watch this and have some folks join us who have never watched it before. Watch parties happen on every Saturday that I don't have any other plans and we watch two episodes each time.

In August, I went to see Barbie and Oppenheimer in theatres back-to-back (on a Friday night and Saturday night). Here's my review for Barbie and my review for Oppenheimer. I'm very glad I took the time to go see them on the big screen.

I'm 60 days into learning Japanese and nearly 200 words learned. 👏 I have just reached a point where if I pull up a Japanese vlog on YouTube, I can recognize a few words! I can't wait until I can actually understand full sentences. Right now I'm focusing a lot on sentence structure, practicing mora (which is a struggle as a native English speaker), and pitch accent. This video made me laugh, but also gave me some huge understanding on how sentences are structured. I've realized that the way Japanese speak when translated directly into English is similar to how Yoda talks. Not exactly 100% accurate, but pretty darn close anyway. If you're on Duolingo, feel free to follow me! Username is still kaiielle over there.

I have a concert I'm attending this month and it's another meet-the-band concert! I can't wait. Aside from that, it's gonna be a chill September. I'm looking forward to the leaves turning orange and yellow and for the cool weather to really hit.

  • What was your favourite reaction of mine in August? Either YouTube or Patreon Exclusive.
  • Is anyone else playing Starfield right now? I feel like ALL of my friends have dove head first into this game. 😂 Just wondering how many of you are too!
  • I'm curious who you watch on YouTube for reaction content in addition to me! Some of you have shared other channels in the comments and also in my Discord server, so I want to throw that question out to you all! I've discovered some new channels this way!

- - - 

I am filled with gratitude every time I write these newsletters and your excitement and kind words always make me smile, so THANK YOU SO MUCH. ❤️



Dan Dedrick

I'm glad to hear you'll be working to give yourself more of a balance going forward, KL. I can't imagine how frustrating the roadblocks during the editing process can be. But I truly appreciate all of the awesome content you've put out. And it makes sense to avoid trying to set dates for reactions to go out, without knowing what to expect for copyright hits and the like. Lastly, huge congrats on 20k subs! Absolutely earned and I hope to see more and more people come to enjoy your amazing reactions.


The roadblocks are really frustrating. And thank you so much for the congrats! That means a lot.

Bryan Dempsey

Glad you have the self awareness to take care of yourself. That might sound trite but it’s really not as common a trait as you might think. I really enjoyed the Signs reaction. It’s a movie that requires rewatch. I don’t understand the dislikes you received, you seemed to enjoy the movie. I generally prefer the video essayists on YouTube but was recently recommended a reactor doing exclusively horror, KatWatchesHorrorMovies. She watched Jaws for the first time while floating in the water and another set in the woods, while out in the woods. Interesting experiment there. Anyway, always your newsletter and the work you put into editing fun reactions. Looking forward to the rest of September.


Oh, every single video of mine gets multiple dislikes - just part of doing this! I usually get a dislike minutes after the video going live now. My guess is it's people who either do it intentionally or maybe it's their way of telling YouTube they don't want to see my videos on their home page anymore? I'm not sure. 😂 I discovered Kat recently and I have watched a couple of her reactions... The Ring and The Shining. Haven't checked out Jaws yet though! Thanks for the kind comments! I'm also looking forward to September!


That's awesome you're learning a new language Kaiielle! Good luck with that. I would have to say that Signs was my favorite August reaction of yours. I actually follow quite a few other reaction channels on YT. Some of the ones I've followed the longest are: Awkward Ashleigh, Storm Akima, Movies with Mary, VKunia, You Me and the Movies, Once Upon a Reaction, Popcorn In Bed, and Love Lauren. All are awesome channels/conent creators. I highly recommend all of these peeps.


Good call on taking a step back, hopefully it lets you reset a bit. A Mr Robot watch party sounds awesome, what a show. I've been meaning to go through it again at some point, so might dip into one or two some weeks. I only started watching reaction channels about two years ago but it's become a primary use of youtube for me now. I guess it's related to my love of seeing a film in the cinema multiple times as long as I could go with someone that hasn't yet seen the film. Covid both lessened the films and friends available (said friends are still around, just not as much cinema-going as they used to be) So I stumbled across the reaction-sphere and found it emulated that vicarious movie-rewatch experience. I usually find channels through picking a film and seeing a few reactions to it in short order. (I think I found yours via Everything Everywhere All at Once.) I think any others I follow have already been mentioned either by yourself or others here, but it's a really nice trend to see explode in the past while. (Actual positive use of social media? In this decade?)


Yeah, feel free to join us any time! And yeah reaction channels are a super fun genre of YouTube. I first discovered them way back in 2018 but didn't start really watching them until I started doing it myself!


Congratulations on 20K! I'm thrilled to watch your channel grow. I love your reactions, and I think you deserve the recognition. I do wholeheartedly support your decision to loosen your schedule a bit and give yourself some breathing room. As someone who suffers from mental illness, I am maybe a bit hyper-focused on mental health, but I believe it's vital to put your mental well-being first. Ignore anyone who says otherwise. They don't know what they're talking about. "Signs" would have to be my favorite reaction from this past month. I intend to rewatch it as a full watch along now that I'm here, but I enjoyed the YouTube edit very much. I haven't actually seen "Dune" yet, so I haven't watched your reaction to it. It's actually in my dad's collection though, so I can first time watch it along with you when I get around to it! We don't have Disney+ in our house at the moment, so I can't really watch along with "WandaVision" or the Star Wars shows right now. I'm sure you'll enjoy them (that's not an expectation-setting spoiler, is it? You know I try to avoid even vague spoilers). Edit: I just posted half of what I meant to say because I'm still not used to Patreon's Shift + Return for a new line thing. Sigh. I think it's very cool that you're learning Japanese. I always wanted to learn it and to visit Japan someday, but I never got around to looking up details on wheelchair accessibility, and I worry about how someone like me would be received, who can unintentionally be disruptive due to my mental issues. "Starfield." I'm waffling on that one. I haven't played it yet. The idea of it interests me, and I've considered asking my dad if we can pick it up, but part of me is worried about wasting his money again. The last game we got was "Elden Ring," at my insistence, and I suck so bad at that game that I couldn't even get through the first area without dying at every turn. I was sure I'd get better if I kept at it, but the more frustrated I got, the worse I played, which made me more frustrated. It was an endless downward spiral. I eventually gave up and haven't touched the game or our console since. I'm pretty sure that was just after the new year. But I may be misremembering. It certainly seems like I haven't done any gaming this year, but maybe it hasn't been that long. I'd like to get back into gaming, but part of me is super hesitant. Okay, I've written you a novella, so I'm gonna try to shut up soon. I follow a ton of reaction channels... too many to mention them all. But there are only a few that I make sure to watch every reaction I can from because I'm doing my best to support them. Others I just watch the reactions that really interest me and skip the rest. Addie Counts, Cinebinge, Dasha Reacts and Kaiielle are channels I'm doing my best to support. Not sure about that last one though. Something about her seems a little sus. (kidding!)


Thanks for being here Bubbly and type as much as you want! I do the same, of course. 😂 And thanks for the kind words at the start too, I am also someone who tries to stay very in-tune with my mental health.