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Hi everyone! I've got a 9.5 min vid to talk about June for reactions. Y'all know me, I love updating on basically everything. Throw this on 1.5x speed if you're a fast listener. 😉 And if you haven't checked out the updates to the site yet, you can see em here.

Thanks for watching and I'm so grateful and proud and happy of and for you all and this community and for your support and comments both on here, YouTube, replies on Twitter, and our chats in Discord (click to join if you're not in with us). Truly thank you so much for being here and things will be back to my version of normal very soon. 😊 Your kind words this past month have meant a lot and have kept me somewhat sane and level-headed through all the BS.

Sending hugs and well wishes to you all!

✦ KL

PS. I realized that I forgot to mention that I enabled FREE TRIALS for my Watchers tier here on Patreon! This means new folks considering joining us can come hang out at that tier for a week before committing. Insiders tiers are not available for a Free Trial.


Alex Park

Thanks for the update! I hope you're feeling 100%, health-wise. I recently became a Patreon patron in anticipation of Saving Private Ryan, so thanks so much for the clarification. Hope your switch to DaVinci Resolve continues to be smooth. And I saw the website: it looks great and will no doubt look even better as your library grows. But above all, please take time for yourself when you feel burned out. We love you for who you are, not how much of you we see. Hope your late June vacation is fun! See you next time.


Hi Alex! Thanks for your kind words. Feeling good, though the cough is still kicking around and irritating. Saving Private Ryan full-length will be coming this week for you and everyone else. 😊 Thanks for being a member here!

Alex Park

Hope you feel comfortable when you watch SPR (or have you watched it already?). It's my favorite film. Thanks so much and super excited to hear it's coming so soon (no pressure though). I'll see you on Discord and other platforms too!


Thanks for the update Kaiielle! I hope learning this new program goes as smoothly as possible for you. I've never edited anything before so I can't even imagine.


I've had my fair share of program and software learnings over the years so one of those things where I just gotta buckle some and do it and I'm so blessed that tutorials and resources are EVERYWHERE. I've watched a couple channels in particular who explain and show things really well.


We'll that's good 👍🏼 I always forget that most of the time there's a video for something you're trying to learn. It would be cool to learn how to edit videos. I sometimes get cool ideas but don't know where to start. I might have to try learning.


DaVinci Resolve is completely free! Install it and start watching some vids and playing around with it!


Thanks for the info! Now that I have somewhere to start. I'll have to try it out 😁


I used premier pro for years before switching to resolve, fantastic program i think in the long term it'll be fantastic for you. Good luck with switching over!