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Hi everyone! Here's the latest reaction to Rebels to wrap up the week. Please enjoy and have a great weekend!

✦ KL



Andrew Sitek

We got to see how Kallus felt after the ice moon with Zeb, so we get it, but the Rebel crew doesn't know. Obviously he's helped almost all of them at this point, but it's still hard to believe for how much he's tried to capture/kill them over the seasons. "hopefully Thrawn doesn't figure it out" is one of those things where you know it's futile but you have to say it. Even after only a few episodes he has that impact when he shows up that you know immediately that the stakes just got much higher by his presence alone. They sort of talk around it in the show without actually stating it, but the TIE defender project was Thrawn's pitch to the Emperor. Thrawn suggested a fleet of TIE defenders with shields, and then Krennic proposed the Death Star. Some background information on why the TIE defender project is such a big deal, this is Thrawn going up against Krennic and the Death Star for the emperor's long term plans

Michał Zawisza Alvarez

This was great, of course, the most interesting thing is Agent Kallus being Fulcrum, I think when you heard Fulcrum at the start of the episode, you thought of Ahsoka. I am not 100% sure, but I think that in a previous episode someone already explained that Fulcrum is a codename for rebel spies and information gatherers, Ahsoka was the original, but at this point she is not the only one. While it is not explicitly said, I think that it is implied that since the Zeb and Kallus episode, any mention of Fulcrum was Kallus. Other than that, it's great to see a small but functioning rebel cell on Lothal, with all the sabotage and direct action. They have some quite powerful rocket launchers too. The Rebellion is growing and getting more organised and with more resources.