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Hi everyone! Here is the April draw for Member of the Month and congratulations to Spencer Davis for winning! 🥳👏 Spencer, I have sent you a DM. Please get back to me as soon as you can!

Thank you all for the support you show me here every day. I appreciate it and you a lot. 😊

✦ KL

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What is the Member of the Month program?

  • This is a monthly draw (first Friday of every month) of all qualifying members and the winner gets to pick a specific movie for me to watch or they may choose multiple movies to be put into a poll
  • The full-length watchalong reaction and review to the movie will be uploaded to Patreon before the end of the month. It may also get edited to go on the YouTube channel at some point in the future but this is left to my discretion
  • MotM is my compromise to having a specific tier where people can pay to request reactions, which has been asked for in the past, but the idea of it makes me feel uncomfortable

How do I qualify to participate in the Member of the Month draw?

  • You must be an Active and Paid patron with no declined payments outstanding by the first Friday of the month
  • You must have at least 6 (six) months of pledge history here (total, not consecutive) OR you pledged up front with an annual membership

What happens if I win?

  • You must reply to me within 72 hours with the movie of your choice, or send a decline if you don't want to participate. If you decline or I don't hear back, I will spin the wheel again and pick a new winner
  • If I elect to put the reaction on the channel, let me know if it's okay to use your name / credit you, or if you'd prefer to remain anonymous
  • Winners are excluded from the next 11 months of draws to make MotM even more fair and to ensure that every month in a year will have 12 different winners

What are the film conditions for Member of the Month?

As long as the film meets the above conditions, it can be given. So feel free to throw out a movie from any decade, any genre, a super popular film, or something obscure. Pick a movie that didn't win a past poll. Pick the worst movie you've ever seen. It's up to you!


Tyler Foster

[Customary ''Hey, that's not me!'' post.] Congratulations Spencer!


I’m so glad he made it


I really like this idea, and I agree with your feelings about a tier where people can just flat out pay to have you watch a specific movie. Either you set the cost low enough that too many people will spend some extra money to give you a laundry list of movies to get through, or you set the cost high enough to limit availability that people just feel excluded if they aren't financially well off, and the lucky few get their way because they had money to spend, so it feels bad for most people which isn't the point, the point is to have some kind of inclusive participation. But go either of those ways, and the end result is probably feeling like your channel is a lot less in your control, at that point you're basically just selling your time for money, which some people do and that's fine....but thats clearly not your intention for this pet project of yours. :P


Well to be fair, everyone sells their time (and mental/physical labour) for money. But I get what you mean and I appreciate this comment a lot. I admire reactors who have these types of tiers, but at the end of the day I want to always retain some kind of control over what goes on the channel. I have a lot of goals over here! And thank you, I do try to be very inclusive here. It's the main reason why I changed my pricing slightly to have the main benefits (full-lengths, early access, polls) all be at my lowest tier. This is usually what most people are after. And this Member of the Month program took a bit to think up and figure out how it would work and I know we're only a few months in, but so far I am really enjoying how it works, both from a comfort space (on my end) and a community perspective.


Right, that was exactly my point though - that's what many jobs are, selling your time, and some use patreon to do exactly that....but your patreon isn't *just* your job, where you're just trying to take home the biggest paycheck. I mean you do want that to a point, but you don't want to sacrifice the amount of control you have over the content on your channel for maximum profit, so I think this is a good balance which invites patrons with an enticing incentive, without just putting all of your content in your patron's hands. Like you said, there's nothing wrong with creators who run those kinds of channels, but that's not your goal for yourself and that's fine. I wasn't knocking the concept entirely, I was more saying that I can understand why that doesn't work for YOU.


I'm putting this in a separate comment just for visibility, but I actually didn't know that you had already been doing this, this was the first I've seen of it and I won't say it proves my point... but what day does this even happen on? Maybe it's just the ADHD in me talking, where I will forget to do routine things on a daily basis if I don't set an alarm or make a list, but 24 hours just seems like such a small window that could be easily missed if something serious and/or jarring happens in someone's life that day. But I don't know, I guess if you've been doing it for a few months and people have been responding as soon as you draw their names, I guess I'm just wrong. Has everybody actually been responding within 24 hours, and I'm just the one guy who's been out of the loop? I guess if the idea is either to reward those who are most active and willing to engage on here, or you just need that to be the timing of things and it's ultimately not your problem if someone can't meet the requirements you set, it makes sense. I don't necessarily require an explanation or justification either way, I'm sure you've thought a lot of it over for yourself and considered the options. I just wanted to offer my some thoughts and perspective from this side of things.


Not a problem to ask this! I'll address your comments in order: 1. The draws happen on the first Friday of every month, unless I happen to be away, in which case they'll happen shortly after. This started in January so this is the fourth draw that has happened now! I file every draw and every reaction under the Member of the Month tag here on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kaiielle?filters[tag]=member%20of%20the%20month 2. Everyone but the very first winner (who has still never replied to my message so I had to re-draw) has gotten back to me very quickly. I could increase my response time to a longer period (72 hours) because you do make a good point. That said, if someone doesn't respond, I have no way of knowing why. They may not want to participate in this (which is fine), and maybe don't feel comfortable saying so. I tried to figure out a good way of having this program have an easy opt-out, but unfortunately with the amount of patrons I have that just isn't possible. I also can't spend a lot of time hounding the winner down for a response. I did that in the past with people's declined payments and I still have folks from A YEAR AGO that have still never cleared up their payment or processed a cancellation to my page. So they're just sitting there. 3. The idea isn't to reward the most active folks at all and that would be unfair to me. At the same time, it's out of my control if patrons aren't checking my Patreon regularly (considering that I post near daily). And even more so if they've turned off email notifications and/or mobile notifications for my content. I think the past winners who have responded to me quickly have one or both of these set up, so they saw it right away. I'll amend my required response time to 72 hours to give people a bit more time. 😊


FYI, Spencer has let me know their movie pick!


Hello everyone hope you are all having a great day. So I chose The Count of Monte Cristo from 2002, it's a movie that I haven't seen that many people react to but I always thought it was a good movie. I'm excited to see KL's reaction and to see what others think of the movie. Hope everyone enjoys the weekend and have a great Easter as well.