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Hi everyone! The long anticipated two part finale of Season 2 is now available for you all to watch. They are in one video for you! Enjoy them. 

Now that this season is over and The Bad Batch S2 is also over, I'll be adjusting the schedule slightly for exclusive reactions. I'll be sharing specifics in the monthly newsletter that will be shared on Saturday!


✦ KL




Those were some of the most iconic Rebels episodes in my opinion, for obvious reasons. Truly great, and in release order it was the first time we saw Ahsoka and Maul interact, as Rebels was released before Season 7 of Clone Wars. A small detail: Vader does have a different combat style than Anakin, I am not sure how much of these explanation is Canon or Legends, but what I've heard somewhere is that Vader had to adapt a lot to fight in his mechanical suite. Regardless of the explanation, he is always portrayed as less acrobatic and flashy than Anakin with the lightsaber, with more direct and powerful strikes. I think the power levels as portrayed in these episodes are interesting, and mostly make sense: Kanan and Ezra are portrayed as holding their own against inquisitors, whereas Maul and Ahsoka are superior to them, And obviously, Vader is superior to everyone, while Ahsoka can withstand him for a while, I do not think there's any doubt that in normal circumstances, Ahsoka would end up losing to Vader. The inquisitors are trained as tools to hunt down the remaining Jedi, but are far away in power and Dark Side knowledge from true Sith, and Maul was being trained as a true Sith by Sidious, so it makes sense he could force choke an inquisitor so easily. Ezra and Kanan, on the other hand, are "low ranking" Jedi, Kanan never actually completed his training with his master, while his and Ezra's powers are obviously growing, they are the right targets for the inquisitors. And, well, Ahsoka also "didn't" become a Jedi Knight under Anakin, but she was actually deemed ready to become one by the council, she just refused,. and even without that, being Anakin's padawan puts you well above any other padawan in terms of training and power. The voice from the temple, it's true it sounds a bit like Mother Talzin, but it would not make sense, as Mother Talzin was not a Sith, the voice is probably that of some ancient female Sith. Now what I wanted most to comment on: Malachor. In KOTOR 2, which is legends (not Canon), Malachor V was the site of the last battle of the Mandalorian Wars, where Meetra Surik (the "canonical" name of the player character in Kotor 2) deployed and fired a super weapon that caused mass casualties both in the Mandalorian side and on the Republic and Jedi side led by Revan. The amount of death caused a "wound in the force" located in the planet. At the end of Kotor 2, Malachor V is completely destroyed. So, in legends, there can't be a Sith temple in Malachor V that survives to the Rebels time, simply because the planet itself doesn't exist anymore. Of course, KOTOR 2 is not canon, so, while Rebels Malachor clearly takes inspiration from Malachor V it clearly is not the same planet with the same history. I think there are two options for your own head canon: - accepting that Rebels and KOTOR2 are not part of the same "version" of the universe, and that the Rebels portrayal of Malachor is loosely based on KOTOR2's Malachor but the battle that "no one won" was between Jedi and Sith and not part of the Mandalorian wars, and Malachor V never existed in the Rebels universe. - But there's another possibility to reconcile the two Malachors in your head canon (at least until we are presented with contradictory evidence), and it is that the Malachor in Rebels is not the same planet as Malachor V, simply another planet in the same system. Malachor V could have still been destroyed at the end of KOTOR 2, and with its dark history, it would make sense that the Sith would be interested in building a temple in another planet of the same system. I accept that there will be times when we can't reconcile legends and canon, but as long as we can, I like to think of ways to do that in my own head canon, specially for the stories I know and love from Legends.


Opps. I’m a little late to the party here… I love these two episodes. Getting reintroduced to Maul and also getting to see him play his game differently with Ezra is so cool. The Inquisicopters are indeed ridiculous… Ahsoka and Vader… I love how she cuts up his helmet, uncovering the right side of his face while Obi-Wan managing the same, uncovering the left side of his face. Almost like them, being the two jedis closest to him could only partially get through to Anakin. But only Luke was able to completely get Vader (represented by the helmet) off him.