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Hi everyone! Thursdays are my day to post my Bad Batch reactions, but this episode was SO. DANG. GOOD. that I wanted to share it early for you all. So please grab a copy of the episode on your end to watchalong with me. Here is the direct link to the watchalong. I am watching The Bad Batch through Disney+ with a valid subscription.

Let's talk about it! Thanks for watching. 

✦ KL

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Up Next: Episode 213

Playlist: The Bad Batch

KL's Reaction Library




Such a great and emotional episode. They really nailed Crosshair's arc, being stubbornly on the bad guy's side but leaving him with enough humanity that you deep down, hope he changes sides. I also first thought the raider Crosshair shot could be a clone, it was quite a tense moment, not knowing if maybe Crosshair had some secret orders to eliminate other clones or something like that. Mayday's death was very sad. And to be honest, guarding stormtrooper equipment as if it was some kind of great secret seems very stupid for the empire. While I don't think stormtrooper equipment is garbage, it's probably medium to high quality, but still, it can't be expensive or sophisticated: the empire is phasing out clones partially because stormtroopers are cheaper: quantity over quality. And withh the equipment it is probably the same. It makes no sense to guard it as a secret, but I guess it just shows how little the Empire cares about clones at this point.


Yeah, the way I see it is that it's probably just a dumb job for them to give the few remaining clones while they have the stormtroopers do more important tasks.


This was an incredible episode!!! I am now certain that the Empire is assigning most of the Clones missions/jobs that they aren’t fully equipped for, as suicide missions to “use them up” so that they don’t have to give them a pension or housing, or so that fewer people can talk about the inhibitor chips. Commander Mayday was very interesting, and it was extremely sad to see him die after all the time him and Crosshair spent getting him back to base. The lieutenant was definitely one of the worst imperials we’ve ever met. I think that Emree is likely nothing special, I don’t think she’s a clone, or anything. Just Doctor Hemlock’s assistant from episode 11. Also you mentioned that Omega is an adult but I’m 99% sure that she is like 14 at most. She, like Boba dose not have any growth acceleration or a Chip. So she looks and acts her actual age. But she is technically older than the Bad Batch, meaning if Omega is 14, and the Batch are like 12. Than the Batch look 24. It’s extra confusing because Omega said that she watched the Batch get their mutations enhanced, meaning Omega might have been 4 at LEAST, while the Batch were still embryo I think. It’s weird 😅. As far as predictions go, I think that next episode the Batch will formally cut ties with Cid, but Cid will pitch a fit and tell the Empire. But the Empire sends a bunch of Clone Commandos and maybe a brainwashed Crosshair to get Omega. Cid will realize she fucked up, help the Batch, and then the Batch get Crosshair back after they realize he’s been brainwashed.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

This epsiode reminded me heavily of another SWs show that some fans love and others dislike for being too different from the slower pacing to the music and focus on more grounded soldiers. Just the lack of John Williams Star Wars inspired music gives these a episodes a very different feel which I love. But i loved this episode and happy Star Wars can dive into new genres and tones without people getting too upset that it's "Doesn't feel like Star Wars. So for anyone wondering this snow planet is Barton-4 first appearance being this episode. I was going between the ice world of Orto Plutonia which we saw in Clone Wars to Hoth but the terrain looked much different. THEORY WARNING BELOW: (Could be Spoilers if it comes true) - information based on soldiers from non canon Battlefront games. This is just a theory but I personally could see Crosshair becoming a Phase Zero Darktrooper. These troopers appeared in the now non canon original Battlefront game wearing this really cool tanky grey armour that almost looked like a mix between Stormtrooper and Dark Troopers from Dark Forces. These Phase Zero troopers were Clones but enhanced with cybernetics (Same Tech used to create Darth Vader) becoming more machine than man with some Clones limbs and organs being replaced to the point where 70% of their body was cybernetic. This was all done to counter their aging body giving them back strength but also to counter the shortage of experienced troops. All of this happened in the early days of the Empire so the Bad Batch is perfect to introduce the first Dark Trooper stage to the Star Wars canon. Would 100% see the Empire starting to work on the Dark Trooper project showing it's evolution in different Star Wars media trying everything together. Or like others have pointed out he could become a clone assassin which perfectly suits Crosshair. Could these assassins be apart of a new squad made up of specialized Dark Troopers each with their own armour, weapons, and role within the squad.