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Hi everyone! I'm so glad I dedicated this week to watching this movie and putting it on the channel... it was just what I needed and the length of this movie is so nice and short that it felt like watching an episode of TV, to be honest! I know some of y'all won't be into this style of movie but oh this trilogy so far is just so good. Click here to watchalong with me!

I said at the end of this movie that I would watch the next one sooner rather than later, BUT I've decided to give myself around the same amount of time as I had in between Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, but a smidge shorter. So I've marked out June 2nd as the day that my reaction to Before Midnight will premiere, which means it will be put out here on Patreon at the end of May. So a little bit of time to wait, but not too much.

Looking forward to reading your comments on this one! 💛 Thanks for watching!

✦ KL




Bryan Dempsey

Thanks for dropping the full length so early this week. Just finished watching. First, you had a grin on your face for almost the entire movie. I could see you were thoroughly enjoying it and watching you in the corner as I watched had me grinning along. Each movie is is set 9 years apart and released 9 years apart. I discovered them just before the third one hit theaters and like you, I was able to see them relatively close together. I cannot imagine waiting 9 years to see where their story goes. The director likes to pace out his stories like this. This time the story occurred in real time allowing us to witness every moment of their reunion where the first had time jumps in its editing. I think that’s what really helps you connect with this one. I like how the characters interact, their reluctance to be completely honest, white lies about actions and memories before they finally open up about frustrations. However, I will say Jesse telling another woman about his martial problems; not cool. It’s definitely not something a married man should do. Yes, it comes off as genuine but that doesn’t make him any less of a type. A guy telling the woman how he’s not happily married as he begins to court her. This did very quickly pivot from two people reconnecting to electric chemistry. I enjoy the trilogy, I agree this is better than the first and also could stand on its own if you hadn’t seen the first. Looking forward to the third installment. Thanks KL!


Thanks for sharing Bryan! So glad you enjoyed it. And yes, loved how this movie we stayed with them the whole time. Felt so real and so fun. As for the marital problems thing, I think it's fine to confide in a close friend that you've known for a long time, whether it's a man or a woman, shouldn't matter. But the fact they only had that one night together and then reconnected on a whim like this, does seem a little bit strange.


I'll be in Paris in a few days and one of the movies I've wanted to rewatch before the trip was this movie so I'm glad I got to do this and watch your reaction as well. I'll definitely be on the lookout for the places that Jessie and Celine walked through.