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Hello my lovelies! I hope you all had an amazing holiday and are ready for New Years celebrations! My holiday was very chill and lovely and I really enjoyed having a lot of down time. My dad spent Christmas with me, just the two of us. He picked up catered Christmas dinner for us so we didn't have to cook, which was the BEST. We also watched two movies. He wanted me to watch the film Nobody with Bob Odenkirk, so we did. That movie is 100% his kind of movie and he had seen it twice already before watching with me, so he did the thing where he said the lines before the characters did, which made me laugh. If you haven't seen it but you like John Wick, then I'd recommend giving this one a watch as it's basically the exact same style and format as the John Wick films. I think Bob did great in it too, he was a joy to watch. That was our Christmas Eve movie! Then on Christmas Day, I finally made my dad watch Interstellar with me, which I've been trying to get him to do ever since the film came out. We watched it and all my dad had to say when it was over was "Well, that was different." 🤣 I am pretty sure that the movie was too complex for him (and too long) so I don't know if he will ever re-watch it. I can't be too disappointed though, because not every movie will land with everyone. For those of you who don't know, Interstellar is my #1 movie of all-time and I love showing it to people who haven't seen it before. Once my dad left, I had a couple days to myself where I played some Animal Crossing, finally started an off-stream playthrough of Star Wars The Old Republic (just playing the story, not doing any MMO stuff), and I baked some bread! I shared photos and talked about this in my Discord server. Nudge nudge to those of you not in the server, come join us!

I also want to say that I hope everyone is staying as healthy as they can! There are certainly some major sicknesses going around lately and, knocks on wood, I hope that I don't get anything! I've been using hand sanitizer a lot recently. I haven't had the flu in over 3 years now (since pre-pandemic!) and have been grateful to not get COVID either so I really hope to keep that going into 2023. 😊 

Okay, now that the holiday talk is over, let's get into why I'm posting!


This is the LAST REMINDER of the tier changes that are going to be pushed through TOMORROW in my lowest tiers, to start off 2023 a bit more consolidated and easier for me to manage, and hopefully less overwhelming for new folks who want to join our community here. I'm not sure what time I will do it, but probably in the late morning in my timezone (MST). If you joined Patreon last month or this month, the post about these changes has been pinned on my page since the beginning of November, so hopefully you've seen it.

If you haven't read about these changes, please click here to get all the info as I have laid out all the options available to you and also explained WHY I am making these adjustments. 

If you are impacted and wish to edit your membership or cancel altogether, here are some links with instructions on how to do so:

If you know you might be here for the long haul, now is a good time to switch to an Annual Membership if you have the ability to pay once a year upfront and enjoy saving some money! I offer annual memberships on all of my tiers at a 10% discount. A few of you have switched to annual recently or signed up at annual right from the start and I appreciate that! I'm thrilled to have you all around for a long time. 😊

If you have questions about these tier changes, please leave them in the comments below (or on the first post about this) or you may send me a DM here on Patreon. As a heads up, I will be getting on the highway soon and I have a 5 hour drive ahead of me, so if I get any questions, I'll get back to you sometime tonight. If someone asks a question in the comments and you happen to see it, feel free to help out a fellow member!


I am feeling super jazzed about starting the new year, but I always do. I know that so many people say that you can change yourself and your life at any time and you don't need a new year to make changes and don't worry, I do that too. BUT there is something about the calendar year changing that gets me all amped up and excited. I love reflecting on the past year, setting goals (not resolutions), and making a game plan for the year ahead. The first week of January will have a lot of that for me and I want to share a lot of this with you all in my Trail Thoughts newsletter, which probably won't get posted until the 3rd or 4th of January. I want you all to know the plans and the goals so stay tuned!

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Thank you so much for everything! ❤️ I'm so happy to have you all here. To talk to you every day here in the comments and in my Discord server. To see your lovely comments on my reactions. To get to know some of you. And to those of you who silently support and don't interact with comments or likes (I get it, I'm a silent supporter a lot of the time too), just know that I do see you here, I appreciate you so much too! Thank you, thank you!

Have a FANTASTICAL weekend!




Where can I see which one I'm in? I want to continue to be able to watch you watch the entire Rebels series.


You can see it in your Membership settings, but don't worry, you're in the right one! All is well.