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Hello everyone! First, this post will be pinned at the top of my Patreon feed until these changes are made, so if you're looking to access my Community Guidelines, Info, and FAQ post, click here for it.

These changes will impact those of you pledged in the first three tiers: the $2, $4, and $7 tiers (these are the Canadian prices). All other patrons will not be affected.

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Effective December 31:

  • The Watchers ($2) tier will be deleted and the benefits will be moved up to the new lowest tier - the Early Risers ($4) tier - which will be renamed to Watchers
  • The light commands access benefit that is currently in the Early Risers ($4) tier will be moved up to the Early Insiders ($10) tier
  • The Recognizers ($7) tier will be deleted and that benefit will be moved up to the Early Insiders ($10) tier

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Let's break this down tier by tier...

Watchers ($2) must do one of the following:

  • Upgrade your pledge before Dec 31, in order to keep your access to my newsletter and my full-length watchalongs. I'd recommend waiting until your December pledge goes through before changing.
  • Keep your pledge as-is, if you are supporting just because and don't necessarily care about access to benefits. You will still remain in my Discord server if you are currently there. Patreon will show you as being pledged in "No Tier"
  • Cancel your pledge, and if you choose to do this there is no hard feelings from me! I thank you for all of your support. 💛

Early Risers ($4), which is being renamed to Watchers:

  • No action is needed, as you already have access to the benefits that are moving up to this tier! If you currently have access to my Twitch light commands, this will be a grandfathered benefit for you that remains in place

Recognizers ($7) must do one of the following:

  • Downgrade your pledge before Dec 31, in order to keep your access to my newsletter, watchalong, early access, and voting in polls. I'd recommend doing this now, so that you can start benefiting from the new price.
  • Upgrade your pledge before Dec 31, in order to keep your access to your name being recognized as a Top Patron on YouTube and in my Twitch streams. I'd recommend waiting until your December pledge goes through before changing.
  • Keep your pledge as-is, if you are supporting just because and don't necessarily care about access to benefits. You will still remain in my Discord server if you are currently there and also keep your access to my Twitch light commands if you have that right now. Patreon will show you as being pledged in "No Tier"
  • Cancel your pledge, and if you choose to do this there is no hard feelings from me! I thank you for all of your support! 💛

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These changes are being made as a result of a new feature called Tier Highlighting. Creators are able to have one of their tiers shown as the Most Popular or Most Recommended tier to potential new patrons. This is how it looks:

This is a fantastic feature that I am so excited for because Patreon currently highlights my Exclusive Reactions tier. But one complication is that Patreon only shows the first three tiers to potential new patrons and the rest of them are hidden behind a button:

So if the tier is hidden behind that button (like mine is), new patrons won't see it being highlighted as the best tier until they click on the button. I don't have data to see how many people click that button or not, but I'm guessing that many people don't and probably miss out on the full offering.

I looked at my first three tiers and realized that I could consolidate them, while still making my primary benefits affordable as it is incredibly important to me to offer my full-length watchalong reactions at an affordable price. I believe that $4/mo CAD (approx. $3 USD) is still affordable. I promise that I will never put this benefit behind a $10/mo+ tier.

These changes reduce my tier offering from 7 tiers to 5 tiers. It's a well known fact that the more offerings you have, the more likely that humans become overwhelmed with decision fatigue and don't end up making a decision at all. So this is a change for the better because of that.

Finally, the changes make my three most important tiers visible to everyone who visits my page without requiring them to click on anything. My $27 and $34 tiers will still be hidden behind that button, but those have always been "above-and-beyond" support tiers with minimal extra benefits.

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I hope that these changes to my page and tier offering make sense. Sometimes creators need to adapt as platforms bring out new features or make changes and this is one of those instances.

For those of you impacted, please accept my sincerely apologies. I know changes like this are not fun and this is why I'm giving you all a lot of notice about this, almost two months worth. As we get closer to December 31, I will DM those of you who are still in the tiers that are being deleted, to remind you of the options that you have.

My DM's are open for this update if you wish to ask a question privately. I normally don't respond to DM's, but I will for this situation. You may also post questions below in the comments.

Thank you so much for reading. 💛

✦ KL




Seems reasonable to me, but also I'm already on the Insiders tier so I hope everyone who isn't does as well!


I'm sure that as I react to more and more shows, thus increasing the library of videos that will forever be available for watching, that those tiers will become a lot more valuable. 💛


I think this is a good change. Too many tiers gets confusing. Nothing changes for me and I’ll continue to support you. Even at the $27 tier it’s like $6/week and I’ve been watching 2-3/ week so it’s easily worth it. Hope 2023 continues to see your channel grow!


Thank you for the feedback and your support means a lot! I'm happy that you are enjoying all the videos. And me too!