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Hey folks! I hope you're having a great Monday. Mine has been alright. If you don't follow me on Twitter, I had my first face-to-face bear encounter yesterday afternoon, while I was out on a walk around a lake nearby. Needless to say, that shook me up a little bit last night and even though I went to sleep earlier than normal, I didn't sleep well and it's been hard to focus today. Hoping I'll be back to good tomorrow so that I can get you all this week's videos and work on edits! What a heckin' time. 🐻

With that out of the way, it is time for a new poll! The winner of the last poll was Edge of Tomorrow with 48% of the votes, but A League of Their Own also had a lot of votes (35% of them)! I will prioritize Edge of Tomorrow, of course, but I'll fit in A League of Their Own at some point before the end of the year! Thank you, as always, for your votes. I appreciate it so much. 💛

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I talked about this in yesterday's post. ICYMI, I've decided that October is going to be a dedicated spooky / thriller / horror month for me on the channel! Movies that I've gone ahead and decided on are The Shining (1980) and Halloween (1978). But what else will I watch? Well, here's one of the polls to decide! Only putting three options this time.

This poll will close on Friday, September 9 at 23:59 MDT.

Thanks for everything!

✦ KL

PS. I've been thinking of opening up polls to folks pledged in the lowest tier, essentially moving the benefit over and having polls open to everyone here on Patreon. I know some of you probably pledged at the On the Trail tier to be able to vote in polls and I will not be offended if you downgrade your tier to the lowest one as a result. How many of you support this idea? Or do you think the benefit feels right where it is? Please let me know!


Tyler Foster

My only resistance to Scream is that Scream very directly discusses and references some classic horror movies. There are references to A Nightmare on Elm Street, Psycho, and Friday the 13th (as well as Halloween, which it actually explicitly spoils parts of, along with Friday the 13th), just to name three. I love Scream, and I think it's one of the best slasher movies ever made, but it does require some groundwork, IMO.


All valid. If it makes you feel better, I'll be watching Halloween before it (if Scream wins, anyway).

Alex Vazquez

If you want a horror experience that will imprint itself on your soul, you need to see "Martyrs".


I'll keep that in mind (also, please suggest it on the form). My horror experience is limited as its a genre that I really don't care for, so kind of just want to slowly dip the toes in the water with it and see how it goes!