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Hi everyone! Here is my uncut reaction to Man of Steel. The edited reaction will be out next week. Going into this movie, I had heard mixed reviews. I feel like this is definitely one of those "you either love it or hate it" kind of movies. I'm not firmly in either camp on this one. I've created a "DCEU" tag here on Patreon to put this movie into, but I'm not sure when I will get to any other film in the DCEU. One day, I'm sure!

Please grab a copy of the movie on your end to watchalong with me. Here is the direct link to my watchalong with the option to download it for offline viewing. I watched Man of Steel through Netflix. Here is the edited reaction that was released on YouTube. 

As always, please let me know your thoughts on this one in the comments below as I love to read what you all think!

✦ KL

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For the best watchalong experience, I strongly recommend watching on your computer and using Firefox's Picture-in-Picture feature. With this feature, you would make my reaction video full-screen and pop-out your copy of the movie so that it sits over my video. Move it right over my blurred movie in my video and re-size to your liking. 😊

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Playlist: DCEU 

KL's Reaction Library


Man of Steel (2013) ✦ Full-Length Watchalong

Hello Adventure Club! 👋 I hope you enjoy watching along to Man of Steel with me. Please leave your comments to me on the associated Patreon post for this video.



First time watching this movie for me, I remembered I had the bluray (I bought it 2nd hand ten months ago) so I thought a watchalong with you was an idea. This movie was not as good as I had hoped but then the clue may have been in the cost of the bluray- £1. The sci-fi aspects, Krypton machine designs were impressive to me so I liked that. But that aside, let's talk about Henry for a moment. DAmn!, that guy's quite the specimen, isn't he :) I guess I can see why Anna is a super simp for this man ;) Back When the film was new, Henry was on the Graham Norton show and Graham took the time to point out how impressive Henry looked and Henry was, understandably, a little embarrassed. Now, over ten tears later, I see what he was talking about :) His acting wasn't all that though, but then neither was anyone else's which surprised me considering the talent (acting ;) on display- Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Lance Fishburn, Russell Crowe for heaven's sake! and the bloke who played Zod (I don't know that guy). This is the third movie Superman I've seen and while he did have his moments I'd have to rank Henry as second best below Christopher Reeve's Superman. While I enjoyed Brandon Routh's movie more than this one (just a bit anyway....) I'd say Henry was the better of the two. Anyway, I may not be watching this film again anytime soon, but there's special features on the disc- dvd extras (luv a dvd extra :) so I'll get onto that in a bit. Take care.


Thanks for watching with me Mark! I had a good giggle when you mentioned the cost of the Blu-Ray. :) The sci-fi and Krypton stuff was really cool, agreed. And yeah, Henry Cavill is really awesome. Not sure if you know much about him, but he's a huge video game fan - with PC gaming primarily. He's posted in the past about building PC's. He is also VERY into Warhammer. He paints miniatures even. It's really refreshing to have such a high-profile and attractive man be so into and open about discussing traditional "nerdy/geeky" things to hopefully help break the stigma with the general population that seems to think that this stuff is a waste of time. I love Henry for that. I still want to watch the Christopher Reeve Superman films! Not sure when I will fit them in, but one day. Maybe once I am all caught up on MCU. Hope you enjoy the special features!


It’s been a while since I’d seen this movie. 1st half is decent but the second half of this movie isn’t very good at all. They spent all this time giving us a good history and developing the character and they threw it all away with lazy writing. It’s almost like the studio stepped in and said enough with the story, give us a summer blockbuster. I agree with Dan, the 1978 Superman and Superman II are way better written but the special effects are definitely dated. The DC movies are hit or miss with me. Didn’t like Batman vs Superman either. The Zack Snyder cut of Justice League is pretty good. Aquaman and Wonder Woman are pretty good too.


That's pretty much how I feel, and I'm sure you'll enjoy my thoughts and recap in the edited version, Absher.

Bryan Dempsey

I finally had the time and watched “with” you today. I am a huge Superman fan. It was amusing for me to see you react to the Krypton scenes, that you had such little awareness of the fate of his home planet. I really enjoyed watching you learn. Wish it could have been with the 1978 version. While it’s very much a product of its time, it nails the character. Anyway, here’s a little something from a fellow Superman fan who recorded his thoughts quite well, in my opinion. https://youtu.be/aw_GlYve_Lg


Thanks for sharing Bryan! I would really love to go back and watch the 1978 version. I think I'll do it before the end of the year.