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Hey everyone! I hope the start of your week is going well. 😊 I have a few things to chat about. Before I dive into the bigger stuff, just wanted to remind you all to please go vote in this movie poll on YouTube! It's for a romance pick from the 90s!

Last Week's Movie Poll Winner

Not going to lie, my brain has been jumbled the last few days with everything that happened and I totally forgot I had a poll going and that it ended on Friday. 😂 Here are the results of said poll and the results don't really surprise me!

I've added Alien to the list of upcoming movies to watch and react to and I am very excited to watch it. This week's poll is the one currently on YouTube and then I've decided that the next movie will be MY PICK. I won't lie, I'm going to choose between Under the Skin and Before Sunrise. I feel like I would enjoy both. Still haven't decided which one though. 👀

Fixing Old Full-Length Reactions

I need to tackle this, so I have finally started doing it. My current format for full-length reactions started with The Last Jedi. So A New Hope through to The Phantom Menace do not have the blurred movie or a timer in them. Attack of the Clones through to The Force Awakens have the blurred movie, but do not have the timer.

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be dedicating my other PC to this task as it's going to be a lot of time to export and re-upload these full-lengths. My best estimate right now is around 45 hours total. Instead of making new Patreon posts, I will just replace the link in the existing posts to the updated video.

I hope this will be a much better experience for those of you who will end up going back to watch them and for any new patrons interested in those too. The reason I'm finally doing this now ties in with the next update...


I've recently been inspired by some other reactors on YouTube (specifically Popcorn in Bed and Jen Murray) who have, and will be, releasing one/some of their full-length and exclusive reactions on Patreon for free. They're doing this so that folks can experience what they are like before committing to joining Patreon to get access to the entire library. I think this is a great idea and was kind of upset that I didn't think of it myself. 

I spent some time thinking about it and I've decided that my free access full-length movie will be Revenge of the Sith. The reason is simple for me: it's my most popular movie reaction by 500 miles and it continues to climb up in views every single day.

For exclusive TV series, I have decided that I will release the first episode of every show for free. I'll be doing this for Stranger Things 4 (only because I watched Seasons 1-3 prior to starting reactions), House of the Dragon and all TV shows moving forward. This gives people insight into what I think of the first episode of the show they want to watch, they can see how the full-length format works, and then they can sign up if they want to see the rest of the first season and any seasons after.

I'm handling The Clone Wars a bit differently though because that very first episode (and arc) was not exciting at all compared to later ones, so I would like to give free access to three of my favourite arc's throughout the entire show instead. From the earlier seasons, I will be releasing The Mandalore Trilogy since it seems that was a fan favourite among all of you. The other two arc's will be whatever I liked the most from the later seasons.

I'll be announcing this on YouTube on Sept 1st and making those reactions free on the same day. For those of you already here on Patreon but not at the exclusive reaction tiers, you'll obviously be able to enjoy these teasers as well and I really hope you enjoy them!

As I focus on growing my YouTube channel and putting out more content, growing the Patreon community is a huge goal alongside that and I think that offering people a way to see an example of what content they'll get access to here is a great way of doing that.

Post Organizational Update

To make it even easier to find the episode/film reaction you're looking for, I have gone back through all of the series reactions and added a quick link to the next episode that will take you to that Patreon post. With adding this, in addition to having everything linked in my Reaction Library, it should be super simple to find what you're looking for now and more enjoyable if you are watching things in order. You'll find this link at the bottom of every post. Example:

Meet Ella's Best Friend

Starting yesterday and for the next few days, I am taking care of Ella's best dog friend, Riot. His family is out of town and it's my first time watching another dog in addition to my own. His family watches Ella for me when I need her looked after and they've been doing so for 5.5 years now. Now it's my turn! I'm not sure what breed Riot is, but he is around 9 months old now and impressively calm and chill for his age. I'm posting a bunch of pics of them on Instagram, Twitter, and in Discord, so make sure to check those out. For now, I'll leave you with a handful of pics of these two cuties (including a pic of Ella stealing Riot's bed, which has happened a few times now).

That's about all I have to say! It's time for me to finish up the admin side of this content stuff and jump into some recording and editing work. I swear, sometimes the "admin" stuff takes as long as the content making.

Please have the best week ever! 💛

✦ KL 


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