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Hey everyone! Here is the uncut reaction to The Last Jedi. My edited reaction for this one will, unfortunately, not premiere until Sunday at the earliest. My thoughts and review portion at the end of the reaction, combined with my intro, is a whole 24 minutes long. 😂 This means I have to take a 2.5 hour film runtime and chop it down to 35 minutes (I don't ever want a reaction video being longer than one hour, or split into two parts - a personal preference as a creator). I know it's doable, but it's taking some time to edit as I have to be a lot more picky and choosy with what I keep and what I scrap.

I have a LOT of thoughts about this movie. There were many things I loved and enjoyed about it, and many things I thought were big flaws and have constructive criticisms about. While I touch on some of them in this uncut reaction, I honestly held a lot of my thoughts until the movie was over where I could get all of the things I wanted to say written down on a notepad and organized. I do that at the end of every movie so that it makes recording the "thoughts & review" part of my reaction videos much easier for me as I can get things out coherently. 😂 So if you are going to watch this uncut version, I would STRONGLY recommend checking out the last 22 minutes of the edited reaction.

Click here to watch the edited reaction on YouTube with my full thoughts and review at the end.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

✦ KL


Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi ✦ Full-Length Watchalong

Hello Adventure Club! 👋 I hope you enjoy watching along to Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi with me. Please leave your comments to me on the associated Patreon post for this video.


Michael S.

Just finishing this now, but great job as always. I could name off several things that I wish had been done better, but I enjoy this one more than most. Action scenes were great, Snoke's throne room was awesome, and I liked the action/chase sequence on Canto Bight. There are some things that I think could have been better (the Canto Bight quest itself, some of Luke's presentation), but the positives outweigh the negatives - at least for me. I might have more to add after watching the edited version with comments. Thanks again; I know this is a huge investment of your time and effort. Keep it up!


Great timing! I just shared early access to the edited version now. 😊 Also thank you for the kind comments!

Mayra Geek

Mark Hamill publicly disagreed with the direction Luke Skywalker was written. Later, after episode 9, it was revealed the sequels wasn't written as a cohesive arc, it was pretty obvious by then. I, personally, was really frustrated with episode VIII - TLJ, but looking back, if it wasn't for this bump in the road I feel Star Wars wouldn't rise back up with great shows like The Mandalorian.

Tyler Foster

FWIW, he also publicly stated that he loved the movie and that he regretted airing his *initial* (pre-filming) criticisms because he didn't like how people were taking his comments and blowing them out of proportion. No matter what you think of that correction, I do think it's worth considering that Hamill's official public stance is that he doesn't want people using him as a reason to complain about the movie, and I think that's worth respecting whether one likes the movie or not.