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I don't want to believe that it is April already. This year feels to be flying by just like all the recent years. With that said, it's time for another instalment of my Trail Thoughts newsletter. For those of you brand new to my Patreon, this is a monthly newsletter that I write at the beginning of each month where I dive into my data and analytics on my Twitch stream and YouTube channel, talk about what happened in the previous month, and then discuss plans and other things happening in the month to come! It's a post that a lot of folks look forward to. I don't share any of this to brag (most of this information can be found online anyway), it's honestly just for transparency purposes!

March Twitch Stats

  • # of Streams: 12 📈
  • Avg Viewers, incl. Hosts & Raids: 37 (no change)
  • Avg Viewers, excl. Hosts & Raids: 32 (no change)
  • Unique Viewers: 2,098 📈
  • Unique Chatters: 242 📉
  • Chat Messages: 11,770 (avg 980 per stream) 📈
  • New Followers: 164 (avg 13-14 per stream, though a lot of these were offline follows) 📈
  • Subscriptions: 69 (avg 5-6 per stream) 📉

(The symbols beside each data point indicate if the figures are up or down relative to the previous month.)

March Twitch Thoughts

Once again, this past month on Twitch was a lot of fun. A ton of folks from YouTube have started hanging out in the Twitch streams, which is so great to see. Because of the love of my Star Wars movie reactions, the KOTOR streams have been very engaging and fun. 

I continued through my first Renegade playthrough in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, specifically Mass Effect 3. I experienced the most GUT wrenching moment in all of my Mass Effect play time so far (over 315 hours) and uploaded that to my YouTube channel (spoiler alert if you haven't played a Renegade run yourself and intend to one day). I also continued through my playthrough of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and experienced the iconic story twist in the game (also uploaded to YouTube). 

Aside from those two main games, I played Euro Truck Simulator 2 for the first time, had my Mom (MummaKL) make her return to my stream where we chatted with the community and then all played GeoGuessr together, and I also started a first playthrough of an FMV investigative game called The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker.

Not that I care about my follower number on Twitch, but I am VERY close to 2,000 followers which is a pretty big follower milestone on the platform, for someone of my size.

For the month of March, I was part of Women's History Month celebrations on Twitch, where I had the opportunity to be featured on some viewer's homepages throughout the month!

Thoughts for April on Twitch

The Renegade run of Mass Effect will continue on Sundays as normal at 18:00 MDT.

Star Wars: KOTOR will definitely be finished this month and then I'll be moving immediately into KOTOR II. I better make sure it's installed, and ready to go. 👀 I am so excited to wrap up the first story and dive into the second. This occurs on Tuesdays at 18:00 MDT.

I'm not positive what the plan for Flex Friday games is (Fridays at 14:00 MDT). This is the first month in a while where I've kind of been shrugging my shoulders at what to do. Stay tuned!

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March YouTube Stats

  • # of Videos: 11, including unlisted videos for Patrons 📈
  • Impressions: 6,524,064 📈
  • Views: 266,896 📈
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): 3.0% (no change)
  • Watch Time: 57,903.40 hours 📈
  • Average % Viewed: 23.7% - this means how much of the videos did viewers watch, on average 📉
  • Unique Viewers: 146,161 📈
  • Net New Subscribers: 2,610 📈

March YouTube Thoughts

🤯🤯 Y'all, I never in a million billion years thought that I would ever have a social media channel pull these kind of numbers. I am forever excited and happy that so many Star Wars fans have enjoyed my reactions, and I can only hope that I continue to put out great reactions to some other great movies and series out there and that you all will enjoy those too.

Last month, I watched Episodes II, III, Solo, and Rogue One. The algorithm REALLY blew up Episode III in particular, and that video is currently sitting at just over 168,000 views. That video was responsible for a lot of new people finding the channel.

With the success of YouTube, that has naturally also meant that Patreon grew as well. I peaked at I believe 92 or 93 patrons in March. Naturally, a lot of people sign up just for one month to catch a particular exclusive video, and that is totally fine. For those of you here who are planning to stick around a while, thank you so much for the support. I really hope you're enjoying your time here. 

Thoughts for April on YouTube

Today, I released my reaction to Episode VII. Episode VIII will go out next week, and Episode IX around April 14 or 15. Then after that, I will be reacting to a trilogy that I've been telling myself to watch for years and I still haven't. Patreon was always going to know first, so for those of you who are reading through this post, you will be the first to know. It rhymes with the Bark Light trilogy. 🦇 I hope to push out those first two film reactions by the end of the month. Gonna be busy! Once this trilogy is finished, then I will finally be putting out polls every week for you all to vote and decide on what movies come next. This is when it'll get really fun.

Patreon Things & Reminders

If you're not in my Discord server yet, please join us over there (just sync your account in Patreon settings). It's definitely the easiest way to be able to say hi to myself and the rest of the community on a daily basis, and get to know everyone a bit more. There is a dedicated Patreon section, where I have created some spaces that I can't see, that allows you all to discuss spoilers with one another. We also have a dedicated space for those of you with access to the Clone Wars reactions, to be able to talk freely with each other about my reactions to the episodes, while also speculating on what I might think of moments coming up in the show. As you know, I don't want to see spoilers of any kind, but I totally empthasize with how crappy it is to hold them in sometimes. 😂 This is why I created these spaces for you all.

Finally, THANK YOU to the incredible number of you who have signed up to the Snack Break tier to lock-in on this journey with exclusive reactions, starting with Clone Wars. I am so excited! The theatrical release of Clone Wars (which is up next), and a few more episodes will all be published this upcoming week.

Stay rad. Thank you again for being here and for the support. 💛


Michael S.

Thanks. I know it’s a lot of time and effort to put out all that info, but so cool at the same time! Also, really glad that you’re doing this your way - playing and streaming what you want. I’ve never watched the upcoming trilogy, so even better! Thanks again, and look forward to a lot of fun and laughs!


I’m loving seeing your channel grow so fast! I somehow caught your first Star Wars reaction and I’ve been hooked ever since. For the record, I watch beginning to end and not just 23%. Haha! I’ve subscribed to a lot of reactors on YouTube but your the only one I support on Patreon. Thank you


I really appreciate that! Yeah, the average % viewed is a bit flawed for a number of reasons. With every video there is a SIGNIFICANT drop in viewership within the first 10 seconds or so, likely because of the way YouTube will auto-play a video after you've finished watching something. If a viewer has no interest in watching it at all, they'll just exit right away. I wish that I could see a graph of average view duration when people willingly clicked on the video cause I feel like that would paint a much different picture! The way it is now though, about 11% of the viewers on every video watch the entire thing all the way to the very end, which might seem low, but I'm happy with that!