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Happy last day of June, friends! I hope that those of you in the Northern Hemisphere are staying nice and cool. June was a short month stream-wise, but let's take a look together! Some important announcements are later in this post if you want to skip past all the data stuff.

June Stats:

  • # of Streams: 7
  • Avg Viewers, Incl. Hosts & Raids: 31
  • Avg Viewers, Excl. Hosts & Raids: 24.7
  • Unique Viewers: 1,235
  • Unique Chatters: 188
  • Chat Messages: 5,439 (avg 777 per stream)
  • New Followers: 55 (avg 7-8 per stream)
  • Subscriptions: 83 (avg 11-12 per stream)

June Thoughts:

Thanks to taking the last couple of weeks off, it honestly feels like so long ago since I streamed! I'm very excited to return to streaming on July 2. The month of June saw me continuing through Mass Effect: Andromeda, as well as start and finish Detroit: Become Human, and oh what a game that was! I threw up a moment from the playthrough on TikTok that has blown tf up and still gets activity on it. On the two Fridays I streamed, I continued through The Pillars of the Earth and then on the last Friday of June, I did a Just Chatting stream for a few hours followed by some Animal Crossing. 

I am not going to finish The Pillars of the Earth live, but I would like to continue through the game and finish it. I'll be recording this and uploading the videos into the Twitch collection of this game on my channel so that the collection is complete. Stay tuned for that!

Overall, June was a great month and I am really glad that I took time off to focus on my studies. 

Thoughts for July:

There is a lot happening this month, so here we go!

Sunday, July 4: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Renegade Playthrough begins! This is going to occur every Sunday until all three games are completed. When I finish Andromeda, I may have MELE on both days. Unsure on this yet; want to ask the entire community what they think.

Thurs, July 8 - Monday, July 12: The second Annual Nook Summer Charity Festival! I am participating in two slots. The first is with SoEverdream on his channel on Thurs, July 8 at 9p UTC (3p MDT) and my individual slot will be on Sat, July 10 at 3a UTC (Fri, July 9 at 9p MDT). Each slot is 3 hours long. A MASSIVE thing about the festival this year is we (everyone) are getting front page time on Twitch! This will occur during the first 30 minutes of both SoEverdream's slot and my slot. This is nerve-wracking, but extremely cool! I don't have anything to share yet in terms of charity goals or incentives, but please stay tuned! I plan to have this out before Monday. See the full schedule here: https://twitter.com/TheNookTwitch/status/1406944046480830467 

Flex Friday's: I would like to try out Rain on Your Parade, The Tenants, Her Story, and My Time at Portia this month, but I have no firm plans on what will happen for Fridays!

Other Updates:

Important Patreon Updates:

Today I published new merch items for the tiers that are eligible! I am just as excited about this new design as the previous one. Ensure to keep pledged for 3 months in order to receive it!

I also decided to remove my Tier 2 and Tier 3 emotes and put them into BTTV instead. As a result, I have now added a Twitch Tier 1 sub as a benefit on the Pass, Saddle, and Col tiers. If you are currently pledged at these levels, please cancel your Twitch sub to me as I will now cover this as part of your pledge. The main reason I am doing this is to incentivize Tier 2s and 3s to pledge on Patreon instead of the Twitch platform. Currently the Pass level is a bit higher than a Tier 2 sub would be, but a Tier 3 is cheaper through Patreon. I haven't decided yet if I want to adjust these to match the total of a Tier 2 and Tier 3 sub on Twitch. It would involve changing the prices on a few different tiers and I don't want to do that to you guys. 

Stream Rebrand: This is getting really close to being done! I don't believe I'll have things ready to go by July 2nd but I'm hopeful that perhaps before the Nook Summer Charity Festival, it can be up and running. I've been going back and forth with Jonny about stuff every week now and oh man, I am so excited for you all to see the finished result!

TikTok: I am absolutely loving sharing Twitch moments on TikTok and some of them have pulled in some serious engagement and love from fellow gamers. I have a handful that have over 20k views each which is wild to me. If you're not following me on TikTok, consider doing so! 

I think that's about it for sharing this month! Like always, a massive thank you to those of you who support through here. I really appreciate it and I'm so excited for the next few months! <3 


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