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Hi friends! Ready to look back on March with me?

March Stats:

  • # of Streams: 11
  • Avg Viewers, Incl. Hosts & Raids: 32
  • Avg Viewers, Excl. Hosts & Raids: 27
  • Unique Viewers: 2,006
  • Unique Chatters: 233
  • Chat Messages: 11,205 (avg 1,018 per stream)
  • New Followers: 66 (avg 6 per stream)
  • Subscriptions: 96 (avg 8-9 per stream)

March Thoughts:

I'm really pleased with how March went overall. Despite having much fewer chatters than in February, there was more engagement in the streams (more chat messages) and more viewership. The Dragon Age: Inquisition and Stardew streams have been super fun, and as you all know, I made a decision to drop The Witcher 3 and start Mass Effect: Andromeda, which resulted in a strong finish to the month.

In February, I talked about how I was hopeful that streaming consistently in a time slot that I hadn't streamed in very much was going to be good in the long run, but after some thinking with myself, and chatting it out with a few people, I decided to bring up the idea of moving some of my streams back to the evenings and obtained chat input and feedback on this. The vast majority, if not everyone who chimed in, felt that doing a half-and-half-ish schedule was the move, where the main games are played in the evenings on Sundays and Tuesdays, and Flex Fridays are kept during the day time. This went into effect on April 4th.

In the last Trail Thoughts, I mentioned that I was waiting to chat with an artist about helping me with my overall outdoorsy rebrand. This conversation did not happen, so I am going to reach out to them this month to see if they are even still available. So stay tuned for updates there.

Thoughts for April:

Since I've extended out my current semester for university, April is going to be a fairly chill month (more chill than originally anticipated), so I have some ideas brewing. 

In today's stream (Apr 6), I'll be announcing a giveaway. I am very eager to get my YouTube channel to 100 subscribers so that I can unlock the custom URL. Once the channel has reached 100 subs, I'll be hosting a giveaway in chat for a goodies package, which is a handmade card, coaster, magnet, button, and sticker. Basically the one-year sub package, but not. If you have not yet subscribed, please do so here! 

Keeping on the topic of YouTube, I do intend on getting back into my Witcher 1 playthrough this month and I'm really going to try hard to get back into The Witcher playthroughs consistently. I also have an idea to start doing sit-down chat style of YouTube videos to talk about my playthroughs/review the games I've played. These will not only accompany my playthrough information doc's on my website (so that people don't have to read them if they prefer to watch/listen), but hopefully will increase discoverability for my YouTube channel as well. Think book reviews, but game reviews instead.

You guys have likely noticed that last month I introduced a !subs goal on stream. This will continue monthly. As of right now, if the goal is reached, then chat will vote for a game for me to play on stream (Flex Fridays) from my un-played games list. I am open to other ideas to incentivize the !subs goal, if you have any thoughts on what to reward for reaching this.

I would also like to think of something else for a Channel Points Community Challenge, perhaps to run during the last half of April. I am not sure what to do for this. Any ideas, please feel free to comment. 

Update on Merch Items:

For those of you that are pledged at a level that has a merch reward item, I have updated the tiers that were set to stickers to prints and I have uploaded the new design that will be printed on the prints and mugs. Please bare with me, as I am still figuring out how the merch works exactly in my case where I want to offer something different every few months. I think I've figured it out. I really hope you guys enjoy the new design, as I had a ton of fun making it and am actually going to order a print and a mug for myself so I can see how it looks.

Final Thoughts & Update:

I am experiencing a bit of a creative rut at the moment, so I'm very sorry that I haven't pushed out the Digital Download for the month of March yet. I have no idea what to make for you guys!

Thanks again for reading. I appreciate you all very much. <3


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