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Hi everyone! I'm sorry this is being shared much later than I had communicated. I am SO RELIEVED that the busy of this month is now behind me and I can settle back into a routine for a long while. 😊 Especially since my reaction plans for the last 4 months of the year are kinda packed!

This movie was our August 2024 Member of the Month Winner's pick - thank you Grayson! I knew I would get to this movie eventually but it wasn't planned at all, so thank you for making me watch it earlier!

Click here to watchalong with me.

As always, I can't wait for your comments and thoughts! Thanks for tuning in everyone! ❤️

✦ KL




Great reaction. One of the things that makes this twist so great is that all the clues were there and almost seem obvious on a re-watch. But almost everyone (me included) did not see it coming and was blown away at the end. I think it is a sign of the great writing but also great performances. Viewers are so invested in the characters and their journeys that they are not trying to solve the puzzle of the story. The other point that sticks out to me when watching again is that Bruce Willis was haunting his wife. Her always being cold, on anti-depressants, re-watching the wedding video over and over again, him breaking windows when she tries to get close to someone else. The depression is probably natural with a sudden death of a loved one, but it seemed his presence made matters worse for her and he freed her at the end. I think that is an interesting perspective on a ghost story.


I love this thumbnail ❤️