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Ahh yes, just when I feel confident... the show goes "Nice try." 😂

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REALLY looking forward to talking about this series as a whole!

Cheers and thank you!

✦ KL




Many people I know seem to have accepted that the "egypt" part of this show is real and the "asylum" part is not, but I even after various rewatches genuinely cannot tell, because even anything we see that seemingly confirms one or the other might well have been in Marc's mind. And honestly I like that ambiguity. It's great, because in my opinion neither interpretation makes the show any less enjoyable or interesting. I really like this show.


OK, I'm finally getting to this. I don't have time to watch as many full-length things as I come across (especially the movies), so I waited for the YT edits, but after I watched the first 3 eps in the YT edit, I wanted to see your reaction to the rest. Anyhoo, my history with Moon Knight, as a comic book reader, was that I always liked the look of him and was always so curious about him and some years back, I saw, at the Chicago ComiCon, some back issues of the most recent (at the time) run of Moon Knight and I bought the first issue to try to get in on the ground floor of a story since it would reintroduce the character to new readers. I couldn't find all the issues for the first year (12 issues), so I only read the first issue because I didn't have issue #2 and was waiting until I could get them all in order. Never really looked after that though. So, a couple of years before this series came out, I saw a video on Comics Explained about him in an even newer run of it and THAT run is what this series was obviously based on because before, he was always viewed as a hero/anti-hero with a troubled past who was pretty violent and would always be compared with Batman, but the new run really played with the concept that MAYBE Marc was not sane and that Moon Knight and Konshu and all that are just in his head and it would kept jumping to him in an asylum and that he had different personalities. I think he had something like 5 different personas? There was Steven, Marc, Jake, but a couple others including Mr. Knight who was the one that was, here, the look that Steven had when he'd summon the suit. Mr. Knight was a separate personality that was, like a "world's greatest detective" type of persona. Back in the old comics, those personas were just alter-egos that Marc would put on for different needs, like Jake Lockley was a cab driver and was very street-level who could get info just from being an unassuming cab driver that had questionably shady connections. Marc was the ex-mercenary and Steven was the millionaire playboy, I think. They were all still Marc, but he would just be different personas to move through society and get info and leads. So, when this series came out, I already did know that they'd established that he did have DID in the comics and that there was a possibility that it all MIGHT be in his head. Oh, and that Konshu is a bit of a dick. 😁 He's a god and his "mission" comes before all, so he doesn't care much about Marc (or people in general, as you see he tends to call people "little worm"), only in so much as how he can use him. He's basically a craftsman and Marc is his tool. So, he'll take care not to damage his tool, but if it does get broken beyond repair, he'll just get another tool. It was fun watching others react and try to unravel what is happening. I didn't know what was going to happen, just that they'd done a story that questioned whether he was sane or not and was very happy they adapted that. I'm sure they've probably collected that story in a trade paperback (I'm assuming). So, I think Oscar Isaac did a phenomenal job with this role. That 5th episode, "Asylum," just breaks me every time. I saw in an interview with him and Ethan Hawke that they were friends before and Oscar actually got Ethan to look at and consider doing this project with him. One other tidbit I knew was that the character of Moon Knight first appeared in the "Werewolf By Night" comic in the 70s and I believe my neighbor had it when (*ahem*) I was a kid. I remember seeing them fighting on the cover. I don't remember a story, but Moon Knight was the antagonist and the werewolf, if you can believe it, was the protagonist. I think I heard recently that Moon Knight was kinda just gonna be a throwaway character, but someone else thought they could do something with him. Pretty much EVERYONE I'd seen react to this had never even heard of the character and I'm glad so many people liked it. So, because he was kinda part of the horror line, he may show up in projects with a horror element in the future (like Blade or Dr. Strange or Werewolf by Night) 'cause Oscar Isaac did say he'd be willing to do more Moon Knight. Oh yeah, and Moon Knight's powers are linked to the moon, as you'd expect, and he is his strongest on nights of a full moon. It's why Konshu turned the sky to night and it was a full moon so Moon Knight could fly to Cairo. One commenter made me laugh after the 5th episode came out and said something like, Batman: I have such a tragic past. My parents were killed right in front of me. Moon Knight: Hold my beer...