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My editing break ...

... is over! I really needed that, so thank you so much for letting me have it. Especially those of you who don't do watchalongs and are only here for the edited versions, I really appreciate your patience. I was able to get ahead on recordings for basically the first time ever (and watchalongs are still to come). I took some of my freed up hours last week to hang with family, watch Dune: Part Two in IMAX (5/5 amazing incredible), play Stardew Valley's 1.6 update (loving it) and read a bunch! I'm currently nearing the end of Caliban's War, the second book of The Expanse series.

This break also had me sit and think hard about the "business" aspect of all of this, especially with what I'd like to do for reactions for the rest of this year and into 2025. So I've decided that ...

... I'm getting help with editing!

Someone in the community saw my break post and reached out offering their services. They are an established reaction editor, editing for channels that I watch and enjoy regularly! So we chatted and I decided, let's do it!

Getting help increases expenses for me quite a bit. So I've decided to start offering the thing that I've said this whole time that I'd probably never do. 😉 Direct reaction requests (via payment) will launch in a few weeks, but it will be limited and will not replace Member of the Month. I'll have more information on that very soon!

I'm not sure how having help will impact the schedule overall, especially at the start, so that leads into the third thing ...

Putting a pause on "This Week" schedules

I'll still communicate with you what's coming and being worked on, just no fancy post with a picture. The schedules will come back once I feel ready to bring them back!

And speaking of something that has been "paused" kinda sorta ...

Where have the Keepin' Up With KL newsletters been?

I decided last month to change this to a quarterly release instead of every month.

With the change, there will be a brand new feature of the newsletter - a Q&A segment that I will do in a video. I want to have a community-involved part of it and this feels like the easiest way to do that. I'll share a post in the coming days where you can submit all questions that you have.

And I think that's it!

Appreciate you all so much, thank you. ❤️

✦ KL


Bryan Dempsey

I love your editing style & choices. You’re going to be a tough act to follow for another editor, but I bet it will be worth it. Curiously looking forward to how paid requests affect the channel. I see nothing but growth in your future.

Chad Jenkins

I always figure you can't put a price on time, or sanity. Hope it all works out for ya


Don't worry, the editor has done various styles from the different channels. I am confident they'll be able to replicate mine well. A bit of "training" will be involved, of course. As for paid requests affecting the channel, things are pretty planned for 2024 already, so I anticipate many of them will be Patreon Exclusive watchalongs just at first and get edited down the road.