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Hey everybody, we need to talk about video frequency. As you know we promised to try to double our output, and for a while it worked. But all the extra videos were made on borrowed time.

For example, the video we released yesterday has been made over almost two years. I started writing the script in August 2014, super jet lagged in the early morning before a conference. Since then it was revisited every few weeks or so until a month ago.  We designed about half of the video and then decided that the style we had choosen did not fit the idea we wanted to communicate so we threw all that work out and started over. And after the video was almost finished we decided that the script had to be changed again so it would be clearer (which of course led to another chunk of design work). It took almost two years and dozens of iterrations, hundrets of hours, until the video was where it is today – and I think it is one of the better ones we made.

It is the same story with our „Red Dwarf“ video. Lots of rewrites, lots of redesign and changes very late into the process. The first draft was written 2014.

So now we are at a point where we used up a lot of material that we have worked on for months (or years). There is still a good dozen or so scripts that are kind of finished but they feel like they need more time.

The only way we can really have a higher output is to lower our quality. And we really don’t want to do that.

Our goal is still do have between 14 and 20 videos in 2016 – but we won’t commit to a specific number or schedule anymore. Our videos just don’t work this way, we ourselves learned this in the last three months.

So, why are you funding us? Patreon is mighty important for us, no kidding. As some of you may have noticed, we try hard to get the quality higher than it has been. We invest more time on research and sources, we make more complicated illustrations and animations and are working on more complicated topics that need more time to explain – there are two 10-12 minute videos going to be released in the next few months that you (hopefully) will like a lot! Although we are more people now, we have gotten way better and faster at doing videos we continue to invest more time instead of less. All of this is made possible by your contributions.

We’d love to hear your thoughts about this whole thing!



I personally decided to fund Kurzgesagt because I believe in the value of the contents you produce. I personally was happy (taking into account the quality and work I cannot even begin to imagine gets put into each video) with regard to the frequency at which you put out videos so an increase, while not unwelcome, is on my behalf non-essential for my pleadge to stand. Thank you for (1) the contents you produce and (2) the respect you demonstrate.


No problem - keep up the good work. I give you money mostly because of your high quality, not the quantity - this is a rarity on youtube, since the youtube model does not favor high quality production, and I want to see more of that. <3


I could not care less about frequency. Keep up the great work!


I throw money at you because I love the quality of videos you do. Much like with CGP Grey, I love where videos go for quality over quantity. Please don't sacrifice quality for quantity and I'll happily keep throwing my little bit of money at you guys. :)


For the love of everything that's holy, please never sacrifice quality in the name of quantity. Thank you so much for your work and effort.


Keep to quality, you guys know how to make better videos than pretty much anyone else out there. Having lots of videos to watch is great, but if they're all poorly made, why would you want to watch them? That reasoning is why I'm only subscribed to a few channels on Youtube anyway :D As always, keep up the great work! We patrons are surely willing to wait a few weeks :)


Quality over quantity is very important. They are a LOT of Youtube channel doing video very often, and it's fine. But when I see a notification from Kurzgesagt I know it's not the same as another channel. And even if the topic is not the most interesting for me (on most case it is) I will watch it because of said quality and I know I will learn something new and amazing. BTW My personal favorite video of yours is Addiction, it really changed my view about addict, and this is not something I can say for any other video. (All that in 5min). So thanks for all you do ! Do what you feel is best !


I recognize the effort and time needed to make each and every one of thise videos, that's why I don't mind waiting. I'm always just really happy to see when you guys post a video!

Ben Oliver

I like the output, I doubt you will find many people arguing for quantity over quality. One thing - how much funding would it take for you to drop the ads?


I love your videos! They are not only beautifully illustrated and animated, but well thought out and also expertly narrated. It just goes to show how much time, work, and effort you all put into each and every one of these amazing videos! So no worries! Sacrificing quality for quantity is definitely not the answer. Anticipating when your next video is going to come out is half of the excitement! So keep up the great work guys :)


Quality > quantity for sure. Your videos are getting better and better every time, and I love it. I simply hope that with all the patreon, adsense and merch money you're making, you're putting it at good use. For example, I'd love to see a second, or even a third In a Nutshell channel on youtube, based on different general topics. You already have a science one, why not for example make a history one, or one that talks about technology and computers ! It would be soooo awesome


I hope we can get a revisit on quantum computing and their glorious qbits!


I could easily live with one high quality vid in a month, and I would even prefer it to two vids "not-so-high" quality vids a month :)


Every time I watch a Kurzgesagt video, I think, "I am so proud to support these people on Patreon." I think that BECAUSE of the quality, and while I'd love to see you be able to somehow scale up to a point where every single day you released a video as amazing as the most recent one, I doubt that's really possible. For this patron, quality matters more than quantity. -John


Maintain the quality - definitely! You shouldn't back down on that. It's the value of each video that makes it worth watching.


Also - Many of your supporters (myself included) started supporting you back when you only did videos rarely. Don't be afraid to cut down on the amount; I think what's important is that you keep us in the loop; let us know what's happening, and keep it a community thing. The value of these kinds of things where you live on support from people who like your stuff is that you can communicate it to us easily. So don't be afraid to tell us if you need to cut down a bit! We'll still support you and want to see more awesome vids, even if we have to wait a bit :-)


Keep up the quality and good work! The delivery schedule doesn't matter as much as the quality. You are one of the best channels by far!


Quality > Quantity :)


Quality over quantity.


Hey guys. Relax. You sound super stressed and under lots of pressure. We love and support you because you make amazing videos. And you guys are able to do that because you are passionate about it. When you are stressed and afraid of the reactions that might happen if you don't keep up with some schedule, the quality will get worse. So instead, take all the time that you need. Nobody can force you to do more uploads, and we will always support you as long as you stick to your core values of quality and character of the videos.


Keep making great videos!


don't worry. I started supporting for the high quality content. it would be nice to get more but that's not what I was aiming for when starting to support you. it'll be more than enough if you just keep the pace you had in the past

Halil Kaskavalci

Thanks for posting an announcement on this. I was feeling like it's been too much time since I've watched a good Kurzgesagt video. I guess it was nice to binge watch your previous videos and I thought it would be the same if lots of people crowdsource you. After I read this I understood you are right. It's a complicated process and it shouldn't be scheduled or rushed. Keep at your pace where you do great stuff. In addition, I have a comment on the scripts. Why don't you pair up with another Science youtuber where they can do the research part so you can have ready-for-script knowledge and they get cool animations? I may be a win-win for both parties. Thanks for great videos!


You do a great job. I prefer by far few, very high quality videos, than many low quality ones. We already have tons of that. Just take your time.


I prefer quality over quantity.


I think you are all doing a fantastic job - I have absolute confidence in the Kurzgesagt/Patreon team to produce meaningful educational material. My support is unwavered; I will continue to donate and wait patiently for your next products. Quality over quantity. Z


I agree, quality over quantity, and I am satisfied with your outcome. But if you feel that your update frequency is low, maybe you could go with short videos, "pills", or teasers that you can make quickly (with the material you already have, or that you are going to produe anyway), and keep the audience engaged?


Quality over quantity is the right choice. And speaking of quality... Could you upload your videos in 4K 60FPS?


The video you guys just posted was so beautiful and interesting that I'd be proud to support you if it were the only thing you had posted all year. What you guys are doing is really on a different level than most of YouTube, and I can't believe anyone would genuinely want you to sacrifice the process for a few extra minutes of cheap entertainment. Proud to be a supporter!


This sounds a lot like what I hear from CGP Grey on the Cortex podcast. I don't think you guys are alone in hitting these constraints. Keep doing what you do, I love these videos.

Sergey Dubovik

Just keep doing your thing, that's why people chip in in a first place. Maybe have an option to support per video (aka minutephysics).


Please do what you need to do. I would much rather have longer gaps than work you feel isn't up to your own standards.


I love your videos and I'm happy to watch them whenever they are released. Never sacrifice quality for velocity!


If you need more time per video, take that time. There is no need to rush. Your videos so far are of great quality, and I'd love to see that continue, even if it means only ~1 video per month.


Take the time. You guys (and gals) do a great job.

Shane Lawrence

I definitely mirror what others have said: take the time you need to produce something you're proud of and aren't burning out producing it. It was your quality that brought me here to help fund you, and that's what I'm proud to be a part of supporting. I'll take quality over quantity any day.


Agreed here, too! Thanks for your transparency, though.

Brian Shannon

Better to have what you believe are the proper quality videos than put out stuff you are not proud of. Putting out half done videos is a recipe for complacency and loss of passion. Keep up the amazing work!


Quality is better than quantity. You produce great videos that explain these subjects expertly. Don't worry about frequency, just continue to work hard and do your best.


I completely agree with what pretty much everyone is saying: We love your videos for their clarity and quality. I would much rather have 12 Kurzgesagt-quality videos than 20 good, but not quite K-level videos. My support for you does not depend on a certain number. Thanks so much for doing these.


I'm funding you, not your frequency of output. Love what you do.


I get excited when I see a new Kurzgesagt video. I agree that the quality is much more important. I do not mind waiting for it at all.


Do them right, do them well. The absolute number is of no concern to me. I would love to have daily vids, but not if it was rubbish. Do them right and you will have my support, regardless of the number of vids.


Take your time, keep the quality!


I've always supported you for your quality over quantity. Get the videos right & you'll get more people engaged.


Quality over speed. I'm not funding you so you get videos out the door faster. I just want to help you keep making high-quality educational content. Take the time it takes to complete your vision for each video and don't rush. =)

Nathan O'Connor

The frequency of your videos is much less important than there quality as it is there quality that first drew my patronage. If you cannot maintain the frequency of your videos then please by all means DON'T, instead focus on maintaining the degree of excellence for which you have become known and you will continue to have my support for the foreseeable future.


Your videos are amazing and I finally jumped on to Patreon this morning to join in the support. Any time I have shared a video to someone interested in the topic, they have always been amazed with the quality and ease of understanding with the fairly complex ideas.


Quality is key, you guys got that absolutely right. I just love the work you are creating, it's breathtaking talking music, animation and script. I wish I could help out more though, instead of just donating $5,00. I'd love to do animation on a more professional scale, but hey. Maybe some day I might be able to work for or with you! Anyways, enough rambling from me haha, just keep up the absolutely outstanding work :)


I trust you folks to do what you feel is right. I watch & fund your videos for their depth and care of topic.


Quality every time. When I want to explain something on a subject you have covered to my children I point them to your videos (where I often learned it). Where it's too complicated for their current level I know that it is there for them when they need it in the future. As entertaining and fun as they are, their value in in the quality of the explanation; so don't give that up and hopefully we will all keep the funding coming: I will.


i am absolutely in love with your channel/videos and I can be very patient if it means the quality will stay the same. You are artists and scientists and imo, you can't rush genius. Do what you gotta do, I will still support you :)


1 in 54 wants quantity, but whatever you want to do I'll keep supporting you when i actually have 5$ in my account.

Peter Harrison

I have never felt like you aren't using my patron money wisely. Frequency is not that important to me, content and quality is. Even better that you folks are honest about your delays. One thing I will suggest - I work in a job where we try to estimate our output. It sounds like you just need to revise your estimate, and say you expect to realistically do x many videos per year, assuming they start from scratch. Then try to do it and if you can't, revise your estimate, don't double down.


So far you have been doing an outstanding job, and I think that your videos are ones of the highest value on youtube thanks to high quality. Do whatever you feel is right, guys.


Quality over quantity!


your channel is one of explanation and getting people to try and really think so ill choose quality or quantity and i know YouTube comments will probably be a bit toxic on the subject but thats only a minority you have our undying support and thanks from us fans. keep up the good work :D


1) I know you might have been a bit uneasy sending this out and may have been bracing for the but hurt. Don't worry, communication is key so thanks for letting us know. 2) We love what you do, don't change it. Quality is key, if I had the skills, I'd love to help. 3) I love the space videos and the Easter eggs in the this recent one were clever, kudos! So, In a nutshell 😜 Keep doing what you are doing.


High quality videos in all aspects is what I love about In a Nutshell. Keep doing your great job!! :)


Totally understand and support the decision, will continue my Patreon support


Thanks for letting us know what is going on. I'm happy to keep supporting you :-)

Arnim Sommer

I might be preaching to the choir, but my reasons for patreonizing you were a) your videos are accurate b) your videos are easy to understand c) I use an adblocker...

Daniel Carrera

To be candid, I do think that your progress is slow and you need to work on efficiency. Yes, I want videos to be accurate and clear, but what you are describing in your post sounds horribly wasteful of the money that I give you. I am actually going to lower my pledge to you and increase my pledge to Minute Physics and SciShow. It is normal for a video to require many edits, but throwing away an almost-made video seems excessive. For example, I think you should have worked out issues with the script before making the expensive drawings.


I would rather know that you are working on the videos to the best of your ability. Knowing I could watch one every couple of months, or so, that is brilliantly done rather than watch sub-par videos more frequently. I am thankful for the communication and will continue to pledge as long as the quality remains.


Quality is better than quantity. If you believed you had to reduce your output to deliver even higher quality, I think that would be a worthwhile sacrifice.


One thing I love about you guys is the quality, constancy and easy to digest nature of your videos. It is simple but really the most important thing to get right when communicating information, so you guys are on the money. To compromise on quality would be a mistake, just do what you guys need to do! We support you all the way :)

Bryony Sanson

Obviously quality is better than quantity!! We support you because of the amazing videos you make not because of a scedule. Keep doing what you love :) 💞💞


You guys are awesome. Keep going at the pace you think will bring the best quality. We'll patiently wait!


Fair point. The reality is that often only after the visuals are ready a flaw (or a way to make the video better) is discovered. It is impossible to know beforehand.


Always worth the wait! Quality > quantity


Quality > quantity ;)


Even though I adore your visuals (it was like first thing, that made me become your patron) I came to thinking, that you started to overuse the visual part. I mean the visuals are made to help understand things, not to distract from the topic. I know how whole thing is done and how designer can get carried away, so maybe you should consider simplify the visual part just a little bit.


In a way you could also think of the videos being more appealing to watch sense we dont get to watch it so often and we dont become desensitized with information.


I really enjoy your videos - It is a pleasant surprise every time a new video pops up in my subscription-box on Youtube. I care less about the exact publication-frequency, as long as you continue making your fantastic videos on a (relatively) regular basis!


I think you guys should focus on quality not quantity. You don't need to release tons of videos to make people happy. Just look at Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. It's about how ideas are conveyed and how they impact people that make them keep coming back. Just keeping doing your thing and don't be afraid to let your viewers know what you may need.


I believe one of the factors that people pledge to you instead of the other science channels is because of the quality and style of your videos. If any of those degrade, people might not be as likely to pledge. Maybe..


Quality over quantity; yes please. I find myself watching the videoes from youtubers who release videos less frequently, than those who machine out several videos a week. Keep up the excellent work!


Better having a good quality than a more fluent stream of videos. We can manage patience. I love your work and I am going to keep on supporting it no matter the reduction in frequency, provided that they maintain this great quality. Good job, guys!


I believe the last thing any of us wants is for your quality to drop in any way shape or form. You can't put a time limit on creativity. Go ahead and take as much time as you need to produce the pure gems of videos that you make. So that in time what you'll end up with is the best collection of finely illustrated videos that bring abstract scientific concepts to regular people.. Keep up the good work


Better quality is more important to me. I'll still support you as long as you keep posting videos whatever the frequency.


I like the 1080p and I would like it if you kept it that way!


Couldn't be more happy with the quality over quantity trade. keep up the awesome work.


I just became a patron today. The History Video is a prime example of why I look forward to your rare videos. You do awesome work - and I'm excited to see what you publish next. Thanks.

John Lee

How bout making English versions of videos only available in German?

Tilly H (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 16:23:36 Every video you post show perfect examples of Quality > Quantity, don't change that! Your videos are perfect just as they are! That factor makes Kurzgesagt one of the best channels, and put their videos on an entirely different level. Keep up the wonderful videos! :)
2016-10-29 19:40:21 Every video you post show perfect examples of Quality > Quantity, don't change that! Your videos are perfect just as they are! That factor makes Kurzgesagt one of the best channels, and put their videos on an entirely different level. Keep up the wonderful videos! :)

Every video you post show perfect examples of Quality > Quantity, don't change that! Your videos are perfect just as they are! That factor makes Kurzgesagt one of the best channels, and put their videos on an entirely different level. Keep up the wonderful videos! :)