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Hey everybody, I just wanted to give you a quick update regarding video production – after all, a lot of you support us so we make more videos and our output 2016 is not very impressive.

Right now we are working on four videos at the same time – all them are a bit longer than we planed and one of them is the longest video we ever made (around 10 minutes, it is basically two videos). Overall about 30 minutes of animation. We might shift a bit into making videos a bit longer, a bit more detailed. But we’ll see.

The masterplan is to release them over a 10 week period, with the first one coming out in 10 to 14 days. But this might be overly optimistic. All of this is new for us and it kind screwed up our production cycle – but we hope that you will be satisfied when you see the final results. In the meantime: Thank you very much for funding us, you guys are the reason we can try out new things and push to make the videos better than they were last year.



Keep up the great work. Love your videos and show them to my 7 year old son.


The videos are awesome guys and well worth the wait. I was wondering if there was a wallpaper you guys could release for the apes around the iPhone animation you posted on your twitter a while back.


You guys are amazing, I'm sure it will be great


Take your time and we will wait for them ;)


Sounds great, guys! Thanks for the update.

Sergey Antopolskiy

More in-depth videos sound great and definitely are worth the wait. Good luck!


very anxious to see the new videos!


Maybe us patreons could get a sneak peak?


! keep the same narrator :)


Your videos always leave me wanting more. Longer sounds awesome.


Sounds great, guys. Thanks for letting us know. Your work is worth waiting for, so I'm sure we can hang tight. Don't feel you have to compromise on areas you don't want to just to get it out a few days earlier - we'd rather great + right + later than average + wrong + early.

Robin Beckett

Can't wait for the next video, we believe in you.


Sounds great to me =P


We can wait, take your time. Quality > quantity.


If you took an entire year to make just one video, I'd still support ya.


Quality of quantity guys...will wait in anticipation!

Patrick W. Gilmore

I agree with the rest that Quality is better than Quantity, and longer videos would be awesome. But... what can we do to make them come out more & faster? For instance, you could say "at $20K/month pateon-age (plus ads, of course), we'll all quit our day jobs and do this full time", it might get us to pledge more! $25K/month? $50K/month? .....


Many projects in parallel sounds like the kind of thing one is always adviced *not* to do for creative work. So since I'm curious, I have to ask: what's the upside? Is there something about the production you can do more efficiently this way? Anyway, looking forward to the videos, excited to see what you are going to cover, and with longer duration to boot! :)


The upside is that different people who are particularly good as certain things can focus on that. The designer that is best at doing humans is doing a human centric video. The designer that is best at doing immune system stuff is doing a body video. Also to be honest it was not planned. Things kind of went wrong in an interesting way an we just ran with it.

Bryony Sanson



You guys turn complex into simple. And that is not an easy feat. Take your time! Don't sacrifice quality. Cheers!


Hey, I'd like to know how I can get my rewards, I haven't received any of them, I just have downloaded the walls that you posted here in Patreon, but I'd like to get the design of cake, the walls that you sent to all the patrons, my "Bird" and the other stuff. Thanks.


Thank YOU guys for providing us with something worth throwing support behind. Knowledge is our only power and Ignorance our greatest weakness. Great stuff.


Some of the best work on youtube! Keep it up!


I signed up because your videos are worth it, with how well they are put together and I understand that takes time. I support your team so these quality videos keep coming not to make them come out faster. Keep up the good work!


Hi Guys! The Safe and Sorry video is awesome! Thanks for your work and clean message!

Cristyan Sepulveda

Hello, Your videos are simply incredible, each new one there I'm amazed at the quality so high!

Michael Critz

I thought the line in “Safe and Sorry” that said, “The NSA can already turn on your microphone…without your knowledge” was a canard. The evidence supporting that claim — and thanks for providing footnotes — was really speculative. A reasonable person can expect their phone came from manufacturing without being intercepted by the CIA to have its OS implanted.