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Hey Patrons,

you may have noticed that we are slowly but surely refurbishing our Patreon page. 

This community will always be a crucial and important part of Kurzgesagt and it's long overdue to make a perk overhaul.

We for instance opened the calendar perk super early this year – so you're able do be the patron of one of the 12,019 calendar pages, including a cameo of your bird.

We also reorganized our bird killing and voicemail recordings so we are now able to offer these perks for you again. 

Finally we did not only revive previous perks but also working on brand new ones. They're going to be available very, very soon. Stay tuned!

Thanks so much for your ongoing support!





Damn thats gonna be a good challenge to write down all of the 5$ or more patreons in the video descriptions over time :D also the new pledge rewards are awesome, thinking about bumping up my pledge amount :D

Joshua Higginbottom

Im thinking about the same thing too, im thinking £20 a month, mabye idk


So sorry to hear you haven't received your rewards yet! Would you mind dropping us an email at patreon@kurzgesagt.com and we'll take care of it as soon as possible! Many apologies!