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Hey everybody, I have good and bad news for you. 

The bad news first – We need more time for all sorts of things. 

Kurzgesagt is restructuring itself right now. The idea is to be more efficient and identify all the places where we waste time and resources. As fun as it was to post two minutes of bonus material last week, it was a huge waste of time – we should have been able to identify this much earlier. It is not 100% preventable but we can do better than we are doing right now. So we need to change the way we work a bit. This is not a thing that will be done overnight but we need to have an honest look at ourselves and make changes. 

The bad news part of that is that the basic income video will be delayed until August. We are trying to push out another, easier video in between but this won't also happen fast – we have some things in a semi finished state but the topics feel wrong in between automation and basic income, so we won't use them. 

So the next video on the channel will probably not be published until late July.

Now the good news. Because of the fact that we have been quietly working on many projects on the side, we will probably have a real surge of videos. There might be three new videos in August alone. 

So, TLDR:  dry spell up ahead and then probably a lot of videos for the rest of the year. 

It kind of sucks and I feel bad about not publishing something soon, especially since the amount of patreon reached its all time high. But I also think it is more important to think longterm right now. Ultimately it will hopefully lead to a higher output –Philipp


Matthew Dewitt

I'd rather wait for great content than watch something the Kurzgesagt team isn't proud of. Here's to even more awesome videos in the future!


Yes i love sex videos


I intersting by arabic sex and belly dancing


Can't wait for the new videos!


what the heck frick


I'm luqlukeen a YouTube i subscribe you YouTube and HIV si not curen are all the immune wew lose be HIV?? and us wew dean :-(so us wew survivor bye XD


Oh, I do like that good news indeed Phillip :)


It's always worth the wait. <3


Props to the honesty and openness!


As long as you guys are making cool stuff (which you are) then I'm pumped (which I am) and there's no rush ('cos there isn't)


Quality over quantity always! And kurzgesagt never fails to deliver on that front.


Minor delay now = major benefit long term. Nothing wrong with that! Do what you have to do!

Yelahneb Unicornucopiax

Agree with what's been already said. Appreciate the candor, keep on keepin' on! 🐤🐤🐤


Your decisions always seem to be the right one for everyone, don't worry! Informing us is also appreciated!


What everyone else alredy said.


Thanks for information, don't worry (^.^)/


*just goes through and hearts every other response*


Take your time. Do your best :)


Hi! That's not bad news at all, because you always give us top tier and very professional material, no matter how long it will take. I have a different question. Recently i get a Patreon e-mail saying that will be some changes about their politics and more livestream videos and other features. So I want to know if this will affect you or maybe the frecuency or quality of your content. I'm not sure if this changes will help you or get in your way.

Alejandra P.

Yeah! Keep up the good work. Please take care of yourselves and don't burn out. Till August!


Too much info between the lines there. Drama will drive people away. I would just have told everyone most of the team is going to be away on vacation.


Thanks for being up front with us! Better knowing it's going to be a while instead of sitting in the dark.


Totally Agree! By the way, 3rd Line of your post, 2nd phrase, "the idea is to BE BE..."


I count on continue giving you my support :)


The dry spell sucks, but maybe instead of pushing out three videos in August, you should save some of those for later? I'd rather have just one dry spell now, then a steady stream, than a repeating monsoon climate.


I just became a patreon just this week, and it's good to see stuff like this. Brutal honesty now in order to restructure for long term success isn't something seen often in todays world. I'm happy to support you!


You continue to impress and inspire friends and me with your efforts to improve your transparency, with it you've been able to reveal how focused on long term strategy over short term gain you all are and that's wonderful to see. I echo the other great comments on how rare it is for a small company to have such a strong core purpose and a strategy that responsibly pursues it let alone have them tell you all about its wonders and woes. Through these actions you are creating not just a socially and operationally robust (& innovative) company but also become a symbol of that high standard and I (a graduating business student) with many others are taking that to heart and using it to help guide us to be better people personally and professionally. For that alone I will remain a Patreon regardless of how the long videos take, they're so worth it when they come anyway. You guys rock, thank you for your passion!

Brendan Mk

Thanks for the honesty! It's very much appreciated. As for efficiency, I recommend not asking us for our opinions like you did last time. We all said "sure we'd like another video!" because most of us weren't weighing the opportunity cost to you. Free new video? Yeah! Video that takes up valuable time? …maybe not. Pretty sure The Crowd isn't good at that sort of thing.


Why drama? This is what I feel the Patreon stream is for. Insights for "investors" into our project. People should know what they are funding. We are learning along the way and I feel better when we are open about that.


I believe in you! <3


More wallpapers?


Hey, you're doing an awesome job, don't be too hard on yourselves. Seemingly wasted time should be part of the creative workflow, too. :) Don't forget to enjoy all this, too!


Don't be so hard on yourself Philip :) We all appreciate that the amazing work you do is worth the wait and the comments to this post confirm that. Delays or not, this'll always be the best YouTube channel I'm subscribed to! #1!!! I really appreciate your honesty and I'm going to reward it by becoming a patron. Thank you for your amazing work!


I read this with the narrator's voice (Steve) in my head


I think many people said yes due to the fact that we were told that it would not take additional resources (and the future videos would not get delayed) to get the video out since it was already pretty much done.

Matt Zweig

I like Patrick's idea. Can we have Steve the narrator read to us?


Figure it out and stay afloat. Don't rush yourself to push out low quality stuff just to publish regularly. Getting Paid and High Quality should be your priorities.


Also I love you guys.

Andrew Wrangell Music

Instead of having a surge of videos in one month, why not space the videos out so they are released more evenly? That way, videos will still be coming out while you are working on new ones.


I'm sorry where is this 2 minutes of bonus material you posted last week? I cannot find it.


Thanks Philipp for your great content but, don't you think that maybe you are over complexinging (english is not my main language. sorry) your channel. Is great that you have a bigger team, but really, I won't mind if between automatization and basic income you talk about... I don't know... worm holes.


Hello Philipp, first of all thank you for the videos that are always great and inspiring. Now I feel like with the increase of size of Kurzgesagt, you might feel some unnecessary pressure. I understand your need to do right by your supporters, but at the same time you still need enough freedom to do things that only you know how to do. Moreover I believe that patrons know how to wait for good content. Maybe not every partons will agree with me, but I want to tell you, don't forget to enjoy making your next video, the way you do it and I will wait for when it's ready. Cheers ;)


Hi Philip... I'm just a fan from Israel, but reading your post about the wasted time on the two minutes deleted scenes, and getting some of the hectic athmoaphere of the post and what you're going through there, i was just wondering if maybe you guys missed the option that it it might be that you passed 30 thousand dollars and gained a few extra thousands of dollars BECAUSE of the deleted scenes video. It made me rejoin here in patreon, it might be others as well. And I really appreciating that you did that it is exactly the things fans would want extra and that would get you more paying patreons. Just for a thought.


you could publish a video on importance of sun screen and announce there it will take a while for the next serious video :)


Why don't you guys try the Kaizen method, apply the Lean Manufacturing technique to your office, that could help in the long term ;)

Kira Stegner

You guys are all the best awesome sauce! Don't worry about the delay. We know you're good for it. I know I personally want a strong Kurzgesagt that is around for a long time. Do what you gotta do and I will raise my pledge in the meantime. :D


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/sexywomen">https://www.patreon.com/sexywomen</a>

Kravenar Games

Keep up with the good work :)

Jon Adams

Tnx for update. Keep doing great work.


I will support you folks so long as your content is well though out and researched. That takes time. CGP Grey amounts of time even,


Keep it up at your own pace! :))

Sarah Jane

thank you so much for keeping us updated! &lt;3


Immer wieder die selbe Leier... macht doch mal ein Video über Erwartungen und Psychologie?


Thanks for the update, and good luck :).


I am always ready to wait for a quality video. If it is going to be good, I do not care if its coming in August or December. I understand quality videos need a lot of effort and research.


OK I Can Wait Anyways it goes without say "those who wait get good things"


Good Post! Thank you.


It's fine, quality&gt;quantity as you say.


How come Kurzgesagt doesn't space the videos out more (e.g. 1 video a month, even if more or finished), so there are fewer wet and dry seasons?


Kurzgesagt :-) sounds very familiar to me, ööh, your name, for sure...someone of you might be from Germany, so...you are not alone...besucht mich mal, done my very first video today and i loved it, without having a technical clue of nothing, but at the end it worked :-) feel free, all of you, to visit one of my Facebook pages, its called: "Weisheiten Deines Lebens" and still a very strong number, liked this page, more than 4500. Join them and contact them! Till now I reached over a 20 Million people with my (only manual) postings, what makes me a little bit proud, if you know what I mean ;-) Link: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/YoungestBhudda/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/YoungestBhudda/</a>


Forgot something...thats my privat profil, got another 4500 friends over there...

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-27 23:45:49 まじで全然絵増えないので仕方なく自分で描いてるところも無きにしもあらずですね…もっと増えてほしいところ
2017-07-07 14:45:52 Most of them English spoken from all over the world...please feel free to get into contact with them...beutiful people :-) Link: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/bv.dienstleistungen" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/bv.dienstleistungen</a> got some 15000 followers more on google plus, but that story will be told next time ;-) So please mix up with my people and mix yourself up with me :-) Love Bernd

Most of them English spoken from all over the world...please feel free to get into contact with them...beutiful people :-) Link: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/bv.dienstleistungen" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/bv.dienstleistungen</a> got some 15000 followers more on google plus, but that story will be told next time ;-) So please mix up with my people and mix yourself up with me :-) Love Bernd


wonderful artwork! still struggling to be great creator like you


Can you please support my page? I would be so thankful.


Good Post! Thank you.


Hi <a href="https://www.patreon.com/ThisisChina">https://www.patreon.com/ThisisChina</a>


love you guys


Bad news first&amp; Sad


I'm a kurzgesagt fan


Your stuff is total awesome working on getting my brand out there too spreading good advice for all people one video at a time good luck brother and peace.


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/Ellina">https://www.patreon.com/Ellina</a>


Joined Patreon on 8/12. A composer having 44+hours of audio files to parter with those creating video, film, theatrical productions, commercial advertising.


Hey lollllllllllllllllllllllll


Was sagen die Mädels dazu <a href="http://bit.ly/2urhLeM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2urhLeM</a> ...?


Who cares about the bonus videos. Just put out solid videos on YouTube as frequently as possible and we all would be more than happy.


I will help


I personally don't care if they upload frequently or not... As long as they put in the time and effort like they undoutbly always do I know that the wait would be worthit..... Unlike some crappy shit put together and is called a 'video' FREQUENTLY

Antonis Sk (MrMind)

Good. You can also be my patron (<a href="https://www.patreon.com/MrMind)">https://www.patreon.com/MrMind)</a> to get help about anxiety and other issues.


Very interesting! Thank you!!




Hii...see my youtube channel... thanks.


<a href="https://youtu.be/183_34meIWA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/183_34meIWA</a>


the time the time the time


love your videos