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Hey everybody! I want to give you a short Kurzgesagt update and what is going to happen in the next few months video wise.

So right now we are probably going to hire more people. Another producer/project manager and an office manager to take care of all the back office stuff. Because, holy shit I did not expect this would be such massive time sink. Company things are hard.

Then another illustration trainee (we found someone really talented!) and a part time animator that will slowly transition to full time over the next few months. For me the team now feels complete and I do not want to hire any more people.

Right now we are on the verge of becoming too big and I don't want to become so expensive that we feel the need to do things we don't want to do. Let's see how everything works out. It's an interesting phase right right now. Scary but exciting. 

Then content. Right now we are entering a phase where more time will pass between videos because they are longer and then hopefully a lot of stuff will come out in rapid succession.

- In early June there will be the big automation video, about 14 minutes long. All in all this video is about as big as CRISPR was in terms of time invested. 

- In early July (hopefully) the "Basic Income" one, which will also be 10 minutes or longer. 

- After that we hope to publish 2 videos about space and black hole stuff (we are trying to finally do some of the videos we promised in the last few years). 

- Then an experiment – something talking about the philosophy of our videos. Or the world view that is behind them. Lets see if that is a horrible failure. I'm a little nervous about that because it is different from what we usually do.

- We are also actually working on a behind the scenes video. It will involve real world footage. We are working with someone else on that and it will be a kind of bonus video. Our problem with behind the scenes videos has always been that we do not want to "waste" our time talking about ourselves when we could do content for you guys instead. So just filming us work and narrating over it solves that problem. Let's see how this goes.

- Late August/September we plan another two part video series. It's about a big topic we think not enough people are taking about. I'm trying to convince other creators to join us for these videos so the topic shall remain secret for now. (It's not climate change, we are still unsure how to tackle this one)

- "AI" is getting longer and longer and longer. We really want to publish it this year but yeah wow. This one is a real challenge.

- And a lot more I don't want to reveal yet.

I always feel a little bit guilty to be honest. While the videos are getting better and better the volume thing is just not improving. It can be really frustrating sometimes. I have such a huge topic list and seeing that we are just physically unable to produce more videos is incredibly annoying. But growing the team more does not make sense since the bottle neck are scripts and I can't clone myself. There would be more overall videos we stopped making them longer and longer. But it feels better to give certain topics 10-14 minutes because sometimes there is just so much to say. So yeah. Sorry that there is not more stuff out – I promise we are working hard to deliver and I hope the new producer and office manager will help us clear our heads so much that we can be more efficient. All in all I hope we will again animate more minutes in 2017 than in 2016.

Thanks for supporting and enabling us here, without you guys Kurzgesagt would not be as big as it is right now and I would not have dared to grow more. –Philipp



Thanks for the update. Personally I would be fine with those 10-15 minute episodes being released as two or three parts. You've doubled or trippled your output right there. I am sure they'd make sense contextually.

Andrew Wrangell Music

You just keep doing what you're doing - do what works right and is in line with your vision for the channel! We support you and want you to make the best videos possible!


Listen, I've been a fan for a long time and only started contributing a little while ago when I was in a stable place. Although the thought of having more videos does in fact make me giddy, I know that producing more videos can mean more time and money to make. It's a quantity vs. quality issue. I vote and state my personal opinion on this and say that if a video seems to need more than 1 part, or needs more time. Then give it more time. But if you and the rest of the team just want to release a short 3 minute video on how ionic bonds are created and what they do in between heavier and bigger topics. Go for it.


Just create content that you and everyone else in Kurzgesagt can and would be proud of. We as your community will always stand by.


Just keep going as planned. Quality is more important than volume!


Keep doing what your doing! Quality over quantity. Love your videos.


I'd rather watch one good video per year, than many "meh" ones. Take your time.

Film Vagabond

I'm really looking forward to that experimental video. I mean if you didn't do it I'm sure Wisecrack would have done a "Philosophy of kurzgesagt"


I think everyone supporting you guys would chose quality over quantity any day of the year, so no worries, and you don't need to feel guilty. That said, these updates are really helpful in letting us know everything is still on track and we can expect more great content, so keep them coming :)

Oliver Sartun

As everyone else already said: Do what works best. Don't put yourself under pressure, don't do things just because you think the audience might want that. Also, I'm super excited for the basic income video. I used to brush off the idea as unrealistic, but changed my mind and find it super interesting now and worth doing research on.


Your videos are rewatched time and time again. It's better they are the best they can be and reliable as educational material than rushed out the door. Also I would love to work with you guys! Maybe you'll still be expanding in 6-8 months when my PhD finishes!


Super excited for all the upcoming videos! Keep doing what you are doing and uphold the "Kurtzgesagt- in a Nutshell" quality!! Also, when are the rewards for this month coming out? Thanks!


Class! I'm looking forward to watching the basic income one, I've been reading about the Universal basic income lately and sounds insteresnring, will the video be related to that concept or is it sth else?

Stefan C Bauer

Quality over quantity! Your videos are 100% worth!


As everyone has said, your audience values quality foremost. I would rather watch a long, in-depth, well researched video every couple of months than a short, half-hearted video once a week. Keep doing what you're doing, and keep the quality high.


I think you should follow your heart. I personally prefer shorter videos (not much more than 10min), but things evolve, people evolve, and the important thing is to do what makes you happy, because that will make other people happy. Really excited for the next videos to come!


Thanks Philipp. I've always preferred Kurz's longer videos! Keep it up, love what you and the team do!

Maic López Sáenz

Thanks for the update and for focusing on quality and very interesting topics. Sharing how all this works and the struggles makes it even more worthwhile and wholesome!


I was wondering what is reasoning this being patrons only information? I think this would be pretty useful for non-patrons too who thinking joining in.


Love the videos you guys produce, quality > quantity for me :) And your quality is the best :D


I'm most looking forward to July then, to see your basic income one. Can't wait! And again, I'd be more than happy to lend my expertise on the subject, so feel free to reach out to me.


The values / beliefs video sounds good! I think this is why your work resonates with me - there's an underlying story about the place of humans in the universe. I probably share the same worldview. I suppose we'll see!

Shane Lawrence

Chiming in with the others: quality over quantity. We believe in your vision, and in this world of RUSH RUSH RUSH, it's important to slow down and take our time to do things well. We all continue to love the work you do, no matter how long it takes. :)


Remove yourself as a bottleneck!!! You are growing the team but not the script writers?! Why not?! I wonder whether you realise there are other great (even better - there's always better ;-)) script writers out there. So why be a bottleneck? Hire a few that fit your world-view and retain your QA rights! This will let you _grow the right way_. I love your vids, I love their quality, and I love how you are improving things. And both you and us will benefit from more quantity, given that you're now nailing the quality. Onwards and upwards!

Kevin Vognar

This all sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make - I've never felt impatient with the release schedule. It makes the most sense to give a project all the time it needs, I think, than to try and rush things out.


Slow but steady wins the race in terms of growth in this case. :)


Did anybody else read this in the channel video voice?


You guys rock SO HARD. I believe in your vision and it's good to be in that scary/exciting place of growth and stepping out on a limb to try new things. I agree with the sentiment I'm seeing that if you are the bottle-neck, try to find another writer who shares your vision so you can reduce stress and fatigue. You are doing a great thing in this world, keep it up.


Just throwing it out there. Do you think it's important enough to spend some time on a response to Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement, or just environmental stuff in general with reference to Trump's environmental policies?


These videos will be great as always. I'm looking forward to them <3


Just wanted to comment that I do love your honesty, just as if I was talking to a bro next door. Keep the team going, send them much love!


Awesome stuff, as always. Have you ever thought about doing something on Blockchain? Maybe then I would finally also understand it haha :-)


Thanks for such a frank and honest update. I really enjoy your work! Give the whole team a huge fist-bump for me, for all doing such an epic job! Keep it up!

Richard Goodrum

Hey Philip - If you're looking for inspiration on what to tackle next or produce a short video. Check out this excellent blog post on how we will speed up communicating with each other - <a href="http://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html</a>

Adhbuth Reddy

amazing plans !! Keep up the good work !!