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April marks the second anniversary for my Patreon project. Thank you so much to all you for giving me the opportunity to continue my passion for another year. To celebrate with everyone I have the following events planned: 

1. Smash Bros. Poll

Super Smash Bros. it's probably my favorite game of all time and now that a new version is out I think it's a great chance to draw one of the female characters. (not including Jigglypuff, Pichu, Pikachu Libre) I will be holding a poll on April and the higher your pledge tier is the most valuable your vote will be. 

2. 15 hrs. Stream

I usually stream for hours so what's special about it? Each Saturday of April I will be taking quick colored sketch commissions for $5, in a first to come first to serve basis. If you are a patron of $5 or higher you can claim one sketch during one of the streams.

 3. Free Commission!  

Only one patron is going to be rewarded with a free commission. The winner will be decided randomly but for each month you have been a patron you get a bonus chance!

That's all that it's planned for April I hope you are looking forward to celebrate with me, once again thank you for your support! (。♥‿♥。)


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