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Hey everyone, I hope you had a good start into march!

I wanted to give you an update on the current progress of upcoming projects and my own health, since I've been dealing with inflammation in my wrists for the past 6 months.

Unfortunately my pain has gotten worse again in the past two weeks and I had to take much more frequent breaks. I'd like to apologize, that art output has been slow. I have to take this injury very seriously, but you deserve the promised content for the money you give me every month. That's why I got some stuff cooking for you:

K_Jukes has been doing some heavy lifting on the monty animation to compensate for my injury and I can't thank her enough for that. The shortfilm is now about 30% complete and I will do my best to get at least two WiPs of the animation out every week, starting tomorrow.

Additionally my friend Nighdruth has been kind enough to dedicate his time to a Venom 3D animation with me, I can exclusively share with you on here. I'll start posting WiPs of that this week too. All my input in that project will be on the creative side, so it gives me a lot of time to rest my wrists, while still supplying you with frequent content.

Thank you for sticking around on here, it means the world to me <3


Willder the Wusky

No need to apologise; hope you get better soon ❤️


You focus on getting better, I'm happy you have Jukes to help you out. I hope you get better soon, my friend 🤍