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Hey everyone,

First of all: Thank you so much for the support. The last two months have been absolutely insane and I appreciate every single one of you one heck of a lot.

You might have noticed, that the monthly reward for Venom has been taking a while and I didn't want to leave you guys in the dark about it. I was gonna make it a way bigger thing than it needed to be and it backfired a little. The collaboration partner I've been working with, to get it done has been unable to work on it for the last two weeks, due to them being sick.

And once they are back to full strength, we still got a lot of work to get through on it, so it's gonna take at least until January to get it done. However I will still deliver more Patreon content in the meantime and also post the winner for the month after (Fat Swatchling CockTM)

Thank you so much for understanding. We are sure, you're gonna enjoy what we're cooking up for you <3

Have a great christmas and I love you all




I hope you have a good Christmas too

Haxton Temeraire

You have a great holiday on your end too 🙏


May they get well soon. Have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


I wish you a great Christmas too Zoid!