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Apologies for yesterday

This page has become so heavy, Photoshop was having memory trouble. I had to stop everything to make place on my drive. I moved around 1.5 Go of files on my external drives... It took 12 hours :P

Just for comparison. My usual page weight around 150 to 250 Mo... This one at some point was 750 Mo. That is a big PSD file :P

Hope you guys dig it!




Chewbacca has alluring Fabio hair energy! Digging the side view in that panel


I keep meaning to ask, why the sudden shift in tone between these books? 1-5 was Rey and Chewie in unconventional but consensual situations and now it's Rey getting whored out and tortured?


There no reasons other than me exploring the narrative and trying not to repeat myself every issue.


Understandable, just felt like a weird jump for the series to suddenly take.