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This is from the Q&A 10 days ago. It is just the raw text log. The question period was held on discord. I'm thinking of doing the next one as a livestream with both of us on Youtube and having people ask questions in the comments.

Anyway here it is. On Friday there will be a bunch more audio files just in time for the end of the month :)

Next month's themes will include a more diverse cast of characters, and some interactive fiction.

Begin Question and Answer Log


This is the moonlit hyp Q&A. Anyone who wants to ask questions,  stop on by. I will be making a log of questions asked in this channel available to everyone later today.Aurelia will be poking in later today but I can answer most questions or relay stuff to her.


I almost think that thinking of holding this on easter was dumb, and also early on a sundaybut like, eh


what brought you on the idea to do moonlit together?(edited)- think you are right concerning the time but perhaps some moonlit-aficionados will join in later...(edited)


Well we both wanted to do experimental hypno a bit different from our norm, so the idea of doing a site where we're mostly "in character" and attaching stories and games to it, birthed moonlitI mean, we have our fursonas and our individual styles, and then we consider the motivations and backstories of those characters


cool. And how long did it take you from the idea/concept to the running setup we know?


Eh it was bouncing around for a few months but honestly the site needs a  little moreOnce the site is up, it'll be easier to link people to things, point to blogs, publish stories and games and so on


of course


The current plan to fully realize the idea is for me to make a public list of upcoming content, and then to debut my transformation meditations and I gave Spruce this big Potion Shop idea thing - but I'll say no more on that since we want it to be a surprise.The other thing in the works is games. I want to follow the characters' histories in interactive fiction formI have full character histories for both of them and figuring out how to reveal these is the current projectAlso need to get more art made.


an impressing agenda. like on all the other channels...


Also to some extent I should mention the characters involve taking a step outside our usual.Like mine is someone who is very willing to just lay back and not care about if someone is dominant or submissive, just about reifying and reinforcing. Spruce's character is part of a quest to explore the idea of beginning to explore dominance, someone who hides their intentions up until they can't hold back


sometimes it's fun and quite interesting to step outside your usual. when I play a role I like to reflect the influence it has on me / my behaviour and also way of thinking as this is partly fascinating. Sometimes I tend to believe roles can take over persons. What is your experience with Andi?


Hmm, mostly an opportunity to explore a character where I know their motivations are different from mine. A lot of people use characters as wish fulfillment, but Andi's less good at a lot of things than I am, so building up from there, showing growth and experience as the files progress, is part of the planMoonlit was originally conceived as just a themed drop each month, but then I realized I want to have a more series based approachSo we'll probably be changing how that is handled at some point. Its not like the role takes over, its that I deliberately dial down certain of my own traits to give the role room to exist.


aha, providing space for the role by taking yourself back.I like the idea of building up and showing growth


are we to ask questions to either of you in character?


Naw. I mean this is a behind the scenes thingIn character applies less as the moonlit universe gets more chars anyway




And you know, throughout the moonlit files I've slowly described the magic school they both work at, and there will be more of thatPlus I might do a whole furry monster girl series thing under the moonlit headingAnd I think Spruce is going to start having her furry dominatrix side come out, soBestial heat, recreational substances, magic, transformation, all this stuff fits better in moonlit than anywhere else, pretty much(also curse, restriction, deprogramming, etc files, and games, and stories)I will probably do some furry D&D settings, maybe a gamebook set in the athene magical college world


I like the magic school stuff a lot, that sounds really awesome!


Well there are lots of plans. In practical terms, the remaining Andi files for this month are now written at leastfile 1 is a 4 file set - an induction and 3 "Endings"You share a truth potion with her, and based on which question you ask after that you get a different endingthen I've done a basic mindfulness meditation course "in character"with some transformation themes and post hypnotic suggestionsso I'll release that over the next few monthsthen someone hired a custom thing, also


maybe a dumb question, have the two of you met in person?


Not as yet. Considered maybe having a pledge level to pay for us to meet up or somethingor some kind of Goal


really, i assumed you would have since your working togetherthe joys of the internetthats makes me sound old


Ha, its a thought I meanOne thing I want to explore more is relaxing but non-erotic files under the furry and magic themed imprintsI mean theres something to be said for simple "magic class" guised suggestions taking the form of classic stage instructions and visualization exercises


will you do them only in that context?


maybe a cat gym teacher, telling you to stretch


Hmm? Well no, for example I plan bondage and stage stuff on esucc as wellBut its one ideaAlso - cat gym teacher is of course a great idea but she'd get in a fight with the dog gym teacher who runs the other classalso we have a lion bartender at the local bar where Spruce moonlights(Andi moonlights at a different local location)Need to do more masc characters, same as I want to do more minotaurs on esuccI just have so many projects, as always, sigh


masc characters to encounter or to identify with?


Both, Andi will have some confidence stuffI think Spruce is gonna do a thing where you blow the bartender under the barChanged my name back 




thats sounds fun 


Yeah theres a bunch of things, a lot of characters, to lay outBut right now I need to step up and do the descriptions on the site/get the youtube situatedAur has a busy life, and like, I have a lot more time well no I don't reallybut this is my JOB and she has another job


would you say the youtube channel is the best place to startthere seems to be a lot out and yet to come


Hmm, well yeah I mean I'd love it if more people go to the youtube channel to browse and listen to fileshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYvtv2Pp8Z5jIiVU7dojgtg it is located thereYouTubeMoonlit HypnosisMoonlit Hypnosis is a hypnotic subscription box. Furry hypnosis themes - anthropomorphic animals of all types, some succubi, some mythological creatures too....All the free stuff is in its own playlistsand I'm putting up the vaulted stuff as samples nowThere will be a website soon and I'll link that when its liveBut still I mean, to have done almost no promotion and get almost 500 bucks a month for it is pretty good.When we have a site and we're tweeting in character and making stories and games and stuff, I imagine it will only get betterAs to stories, I've written one short pdf, but those are going to expand into full books with accompanying games


now when you say gamesdo you mean like the old school choose your own adventure stuffor like a computer game on steam


BothI can code a visual novel with stats, rpg combat, whatev. I can also do choose your own adventure games ala zork using the inform platformI can also use Inkle and Unity, or Twine as a standaloneor Renpy with lua and python and other stupid stuff to code up gamesThe "What" is more important, basically what kind of platform lets me tell the story I want to tell the bestfor example Spruce's background is in alchemyso her first game will be a shop running simulation ala the small Atelier gamesthen her second game will be an even more intense version of thatthe third game in her series will likely be a mystery murder story OR some kind of life simulation/dating gamein contrast Andi's first game will be a visual novel style choose your own adventure, her second game will be a shop and community building simher third will be a survival horror, her fourth will be a management sim, and her fifth will be a life simulation/dating game


(I quite enjoyed using Gargoyle to read Inform7 programs)


meanwhile I am working on other simple furry games like The Catboy In The Lair of the Three Sisters and The Cavern Not Quite Beneath The Mountain which are mostly assembled just not coded yetI am also writing out a brief background story where you play a student at Athene Magical Academy interacting with other students, the teachers, etc


would you use a similar model as your bookswhere there for sale but can be picked up as a rewardor is that something yet ot be discussed


Probably they'd be entirely freeand people would just tip me via Moonlit's patreon if they wanted toSome things you make just for the joy of making things.


it all sounds interestingi lean more toward spruce thoughis all of that coding knowledge self taught?


mostly, I've got some mild formal training


well sounds like the 2 of you have a lot figured outi look forward to seeing it come to life


Yeah it should go well. Just a matter of doing one thing after the other


any recommendtions for a moonlight files?


Sure, one sec.You said you prefer Spruce. Here is her second-to-newest, which is freehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv5IvPIJSvoYouTubeMoonlit HypnosisUrges | A fox woman in heat begs for your assistance and offers ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoYqExvl4EU is my halloween file from a bit back(edited)YouTubeMoonlit HypnosisMirrors Hands Free Orgasm Fantasy Furry Hypnosis by Aine Duana a...so check that out too


will do


seems it slowed down sometime agotrying to think of a question...


Ha, its alright but I am still here for sure


Just rattling away at the moonlit website while waiting


so it's almost ready?




ah forget it... probably someone asked about it already


Once its up it gets easier to post/distro/advert stuffask away


seems promisinghope it helps you expand the moonlit content


Yeah pretty sure. There are some cool branches I'm working on tooits like I have too many projects and I need to just pick some to finish up


the usual Elena problem 


I guess that with so many different ideas it's hard to choose what to devote the time to, and I guess while working on one project you also come up for ideas for other new projects as well


Afraid so.But I now have a huge list and I pick something and do it until its doneright now I am making a moonlit bufferwhen thats done I will be doing all of devotionall of brain drainOn the Moonlit side there are plans to have more mad science and experiment stuff from spruce, and Andi will be handling meditation and otherworldly journeys etc1


sounds neat, and think doing one after the other without to much hopping is a good approach also towards the "usual problem"


yeah deffinatly, and those sound like intersting ideas for the moonlit files, looking forward to seeing how they go when they get releasedI have wondered if the idea for your character Aine Duana came before the idea of Moonlit Hypnosis or did you create her and her backstory after deciding to do Moonlit Hypnois?


She existed before Moonlit, she's star of some games I have in dev and some stories I've wanted to tell for a while


thats cool, was there anything in particular that inspired her creation?


Eh not really. I mean her childhood is similar to mine and her experiences from there sort of branch off. She's in a lot of ways a feral kid who doesn't believe much in herself. In the same way Spruce's formative years were spent possessed of a lot of confidence, for example. There is a specific path and history, and she was created at a time I was thinking a lot about characters who earn their power vs. inherit their powerSo when I write her content there will be themes of that, also distinguishing expectations and how they differ between social classesAnyway I think I will call it to an end at 2 pm, I'll be holding another one next month perhaps on a more populous day and with more warningThank you all for coming, so ask any final questions now.


Someone might have asked this before but have you thought about any of the other classes that would be availale at the university that Spruce and Aine work?


Sure, the plan is to have an entire game set there where you play a student, actuallyand some of the other classes will be mentioned in some background/stories and storytelling meditation audios (mostly vanilla ones)then I'd like to do a series of meditation/induction/relaxation files set DURING lessonslike Spruce teaches theory and alchemy, Andi doesn't teach anything except on rare occasionsSo most of it will be good chances to intro new characters


interesting characters. nice to see you taking such care in fleshing them out.


And there we end. Thanks for coming. 


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