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This was so fun. That Tomboy performance was legendary as expected!




Ok for the feel special team they had tons of evil editing. They made it seem like none of them wanted to do anything and that's why woongki did most of the song. They were nervous because it's a difficult song. Especially Zhang Shaibaou who's still not great at Korean. The reason woongki did most of the song is because he's a nice guy and wanted to help the others be comfortable. He wanted his team to be successful and he recognized that he had an advantage of having debuted before. It makes me sad because Shaibaou got tons of hate for it.


Many people actually found the tomboy performance to be kinda boring. Yes the vocals were great but compared to the other performances it was kinda lackluster

Esti Y

Watching the Rush Hour team "conflict" (whether it was a real or evil editing lol) honestly made me respect Ricky so much more. I know they were trying to go down the 'they were both in the wrong route', but honestly all I see from Ricky was how patient and soft-spoken he is hahah, no wonder everyone called him "Lovliky"


Taerae iconic Man in Love performance never gets old. Genuinely kind of disliked how much they shoved Haobin down our throats in the Tomboy sections.. Gunwook and Hui/Hoetaek were almost non-existent during the practice section.. Hui apparently helped arrange the song and Gunwook was ranked the top trainee during evaluations but we got nothing about it. The scenes talking about the pressure both Hao and Hanbin got from being in the top was understandable but the "massage" scene was genuinely not needed at all and could have given way for screentime for Gunwook and Hui. The whole segment just felt like I am intruding/third wheeling in a Haobin moment instead of a performance practice segment for Tomboy team.


For the m coundown performances, just write on youtube "boys planet m countdown" and you'll find it😊 but be careful not to see spoilers about next winner performances on the show. Btw when you react, dont forget you haven't watched yet the studio choom "back door" and the full performance of "here I am" (their first pergormance). Also you should know there are some behind the scene videos of studio choom and m countdown if you'd like to watch😎


Eh, most of the people I interacted with around the time it aired actually thought it was one of the better performances. Its one of my favorites from the show


We obviously interacted with different people then. Most of the performances had other elements to them whereas tomboy didn’t really do anything to make itself stand out.


I’ve watched way more survival shows than I care to admit. But one thing I’ve noticed is that for all of them most of the evil editing tend to happen to the foreign ones. It’s probably because they’re usually easy targets. They might not speak Korean very well so therefore what they say or do can be misinterpreted and twisted anyway the editors want it. This episode is a prime example of that especially the feel special team. But we saw it earlier in the show and will continue to see it. But also I’ve seen showed edited in a way in which the foreign ones get treated unfairly. Like say someone who really isn’t confident in Korean were to write a speech in Korean all by himself and then read it out by himself and then the editors decided to cut the whole thing out. Or someone that uses a slang term in their native language that could be misinterpreted to mean something else and the show knows that but they don’t put a disclaimer or accurately translate what he actually meant. Or I’ve seen cases in which a show got edited to make it seem like actual racism was happening. Or how they only capture the negatives of a particular person so we will view him in a negative way when in reality he’s not at all like how they try to portray him.


Tomboy was one of my favourite performances too. Their vocals were amazing, rap was fantastic, but also their facial expressions and their energy was great. They had it all for me

Adelle Cohen

btw the reason everyone was laughing when junseo messed up in the butterfly practice is because he froze up and the only lyrics he said were "geopna, geopna, geopna..." which translates to "I'm scared,scared,scared..." which he said while flailing and looking scared lol so you couldnt really be mad in that situation (im not disagreeing about the editing though,dont get me wrong)


Right,the whole assignment was to write your own lyrics and make your own choreography, but when Ricky did it ( which is his job as the main dancer and center of the team) suddenly he's "selfish"? It was honestly so wild and confusing to watch because I was like "isn't making your own choreography the whole point of the challenge"?? Lmao but he was so patient and never even once raised his voice ❤️


It was boring and I remember that G-idle fans said that it was horrible. I don’t think that it was bad,but just not interesting. My favorite from this round was Limousine and Man In Love. After that performance Taerae became my one pick


This is interesting to read because from what I've seen most people consider it iconic and legendary lmao, any time it's re-uploaded to TikTok it goes viral all over again.


I absolutely loved the butterfly performance. I’ve always liked the song but also we got to see a different side of Brian. He showed he’s not just a deep voice but he can also be very light up there.

Chan Chowder

The good thing about the next episode is that besides the announcement there are also other segments like the sports day and the assignment and groups which makes things more interesting <3

Chan Chowder

So glad you are very understanding of the trainees. There's gonna be a real big drama for the Artist Battle that mnet is gonna MILK SO MUCH and bred so many haters. It was chaos online. TT_TT

Chan Chowder

Love Killa era was the start of Matthew and Jiwoong's ship and Tomboy solidified the Hao and Hanbin ship. It was such a twist cause I was already commited to Matthew and Hanbin lol


They already had hate with round. I posted about it in a different comment.

Evan Murray

I also think the team self-evaluations are a good practice - not just for the competition itself, but because that's going to be part of their job. They're learning by giving and getting that feedback. And while they want to win, they aren't encouraged to undermine performances - which is also good for the same reasons. Better show, but also, career experience. Ultimately most of them won't win, but I like shows that are designed as useful experiences, and this one definitely prepares people to develop stage performances. It's accelerated, but actual idol life looks a lot like what they did for this show.

Evan Murray

First of so many Gunwook HaoBin photobombs 🤣 I bet there's a supercut out there


ricky is such a cutie tbh i can't wait for you to discover more of his personality <3

Evan Murray

Yes! He's a bit reserved. It's been really nice to see him relaxing and having fun more. He's incredibly sweet and kind.


There are crazy behind the scenes videos!!! With crazy haobin content🫣

Evan Murray

For real 😂 and I really do feel like Gunwook is the third wheel a lot

Chan Chowder

I was actually talking about a hate towards a specific member in a specific incident but definitely agree with your comment about how foreigner tend to be targeted often with evil editing.


People who called this performance 'boring' were in my opinion just looking for a reason to shit on it, but didn't find any fault, so 'boring' it was.


I never got that and honestly I kinda agreed. Yes I love all of them but I liked most of the other performances better. I wasn’t looking for a reason to shit on it like everyone else I was actually looking forward to it.


Tomboy is, was and will forever be THAT performance so let’s not try to rewrite history now. Every single person in that team was so good and that ending part where they are all EAT is proof of that. Zhang Hao you will forever be the main character, can’t wait for over me <3


Honestly, I do feel like the mentors probably do give a mix of positive and negative comments/feedback to the trainees and MNET will just pick and cut which part they want to show. It's been shown time and time again these mentors are pretty chill and get along fine with idols outside of survival show settings. But that doesn't mean the mentors words don't hurt them at all, like how Yujin is still shaken up by the "did you only pactice Kick it for years?" However, at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if they do what I call the Gordon Ramsey way of mentoring where the strictness/way of delivering critique depends on who they're teaching. Like how Gordon Ramsey is usually much softer and nicer with his words when teaching kids because he knows they're still learning vs professionals who are expected to do better, the mentors tend to be nicer to guys like Junseo, Mingyu, Doha, etc because they lack basic training and are basically coming on to the show with no foundation but are stricter with the higher ranking and more skilled trainees since they have much higher expectations. But overall, I'm sure we're only getting like 5% of the training footage that Mnet got. This includes any conflicts within each group throughout their practices. Basically as hard as it is to not judge the guys and the mentors based on how they're shown on Boys Planet, we really should take it with a grain of salt.


Oh honey, this episode was when the HaoBin ship set sail. They always act so cute whenever they're next to each other, especially behind the scenes during other group's performances. Even during the next round, they're often holding hands or leaning on each other. Both of them are seen as someone who's "perfect", good at everything, seemly always on top, and someone many others turn/look up to. I think it's precious and nice that they both have someone to turn to and lean on when they're feeling down or doubting themselves. 2:01:50 this may be random but I loved how Yunseo asked Junseo if he enjoyed being onstage and if he had fun vs just telling him he did fine or don't worry about the mistakes. I feel like that was a good way to help Junseo redirect his disappointment, instead of focusing on the fact that he messed up, he can think about how much he enjoyed performing and hopefully striving to bring out a better performance next time. It was just one of those heartwarming moments of the guys supporting each other that stuck in my head.

Sami Casingal

I agree. While I understand 6 days is not a lot if you aren’t a fast learner or a genius dancer, I’m on Ricky’s side (and not bc I love ZB1). I love how Ricky was coming up with ideas because I don’t think coming up with ideas let alone ones that would fit smoothly is easy especially if you don’t have a lot of choreographing experience. I also wasn’t fooled by the evil editing if there was any because that conflict seemed too real to be fake and why would they even fake it in the first place? But ya the other guy was the one being inconsiderate. If this pressure of doing well is making him anxious and even more wary of his rank, isn’t that all the more reason to work together and do your best with your team? If you think otherwise, what’s a team for? Go practice yourself and put on a solo performance if you can’t even cooperate or talk things out with you team. Geez. After that moment, I didn’t like him and I’m not changing my opinion. But don’t get me wrong, I just dislike him, I don’t hate him

Sami Casingal

While I agree, I also disagree a little. I do think the mentors’ words could be less sharp and hurtful, but I do appreciate the honest feedback. And honestly, it’s a survival show to find who’s ready to debut so I feel it’s only right for the mentors to have at least some expectations as well as the viewers. I get how these survival shows could allow contestants to gain experience and useful knowledge, but if I’m a viewer voting or if I’m a mentor helping them, I’d at least expect the contestants to be able to do the bare minimum and have some basic skills already if I’m watching out for potential idols, but there’s a lot of them who even lack the bare minimum. As a viewer, I always wonder why you’d join if you don’t have the bare minimum because I see it more as putting yourself in a disadvantage before you even start. Plus, we don’t need a surplus of idols in the industry who’s debuted with not even the bare minimum because I just don’t see it as fair. And I also don’t see it as fair if contestants who lack this can join as it takes up spots where more contestants with the bare minimum skills or better yet somewhat polished skills can’t (but they would already have a better chance at debuting due to having the basics). That’s why I think preparation is super important in survival shows and in the idol industry in general as well as the time you have as a trainee which will allow you to grow more, mature in both skills and as a person, and gain experience. No one is saying you need a lot of years under your belt or to be some genius, but I think there needs to be some standard/requirement set. Anyone can disagree with me but that’s just my opinion

misheel altan

please react to seventeen game caterers and nana tour🤝🏻