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Should this fight have a fatal ending!?

What do you guys think?

I ask because I just thought of a different ending than what I originally planned. Crazy how ideas still develop so late into the game!

Curious to hear what you guys think!

PS. There will be a clear winner, regardless! Remember that and cast your votes!! 


William Duan

I'd say fatality when done right is absolutely a banger~ But it needs to be a lot more than a knife through the throat in the last minute execution style. I feel like well done death fight needs to feature how the fighters gradually wear each other down during the fight, how they get gradually covered in blood and bruises etc.


Yes, holy shit what an idea. But not necessarily brutal, more like strangle to death or drowning. Or a scene of Lara being captured again if Cassie wins (which i hope)




Isiy!! Great hearing from you! <3 It certainly would be fitting for a Mortal Kombat Character! Woah did you see the New Patreon Layout!? This is not the same website I was checking this morning. The New Logo looks awful! hahaha


I feel like there should be a 3rd option. Personally I'd like to see the loser bound & gagged at the end of the fight. But I know you can't appeal to everyone.