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Alright, I'm back! Cover is done we can finally close this project. Thank you again for all your support and help with fixing my bad english. Sorry iI'm taking so long to finish it. Thank you for all you patient and understanding.

The PDF file for comic is in an attachments on this post.

I'll post the poll for next project tommorow. we will do a short comic before decided on another big one.

I hope you all have a good day.




Awsome work! ^^

Arthur Yeung

@ibenz009 Here are some last minute grammar word changes. There will also be notes on punctuation like adding a comma here and there as well. Page 1 Mercury: This is your final warning, Ms. June. ANY further attempts at harming Mistress Felsenbern will not be tolerated.” Page 2 JUNE: Sorry, Miller. Page 3 June: “You goddamn PSYCHO! You made me blow him to bits!” Amelia: “You brutish imbecile! How dare you punch me!” Amelia: “Then you’re in for a nasty surprise, Ms. June!” Page 4 Page 5 PRIMA: Also, for your safety, please EXERCISE extreme caution when approaching Miss June. AMELIA: “A rabid dog LIKE YOU NEEDS to be put down. Prima, dispose of her, please.” Page 6 PRIMA: “Mistress, in my humble opinion, June is too invaluable of an asset to be considered for disposal. AMELIA: “I suppose having an auxiliary unit is good insurance. “I haven’t installed ITS rudimentary operating system yet.” “It’s … how should I say this … ‘empty’”. Page 7 In theory, Prima should be able to take control of the second colony. PRIMA: Acknowledged. Please stay still, Ms. June. Command C45A. Commencing merge. Page 8 PRIMA: Replacing organic components. “Creating artificial brain.” Page 9 PRIMA: “Commencing manual creation of external control pathway. Stabilizing subject's form. Page 10 PRIMA: Colony unstable. Disconnecting … JUNE: My body … gah! It’s about to break apart! Grr … Keep it together, you worthless pile of metal crap! I still need to kill that bitch Amelia! Where is she!? AMELIA! IS THIS YOUR PLAN, you sick PSYCHO!? Turning me into some ‘roided out metal freak!? Page 11 AMELIA: “This deviation … how fascinating! I thought the colony would be mindless without a proper directive installed!” Page 12 PRIMA: Mistress, you are panic talking. AMELIA: “Nonsense, Prima! We Felsen-Berns face perils with dignity and grace!” Page 13 AMELIA: “How about we get along, my new handmaiden? Page 14 SYSTEM: “Command C89B. Engaging nanite usage restriction.” Commencing nanite unit relocation. Warning: Insufficient nanite volume to sustain full artificial musculature. External chassis strength reduction imminent. Appearance parameters updated. Page 15 SYSTEM: Registering updated appearance … PRIMA: “The nanite subject usage restriction is a huge success, Mistress.” “Your vision has no flaws, Mistress.” AMELIA: “Hahaha … I even surprise myself sometimes.” Ahh ... What an adorable little thing you've become, Miss June. Page 16 JUNE: What’s with this body!? What kind of sick joke is this!? AMELIA: ““Right now, your chassis is in the low output ‘Safety Mode’.” You hardly have enough nanite mass to maintain your body structure, let alone harm me. Page 17 AMELIA: Awww! Look how FEISTY you are in this form! So fierce! I almost regret stripping you of your brutish personality. Page 18 PRIMA: Establishing pathway to unit personality fragment. Page 19 PRIMA: Commencing Personality Formatting sequence. BIRDS-EYE: Birds-eye to nest. Corporate Security Team is KIA. Primary objective impossible, Please advise. How Copy? Page 20 JUNE: A dusty battlefield, in a golden desert as far as the eye could see. This was where we first met … The North Aurelia revolt. But in the end, both sides took on so much debt, Apollo Technologies had to bail them out - the same one that sold weapons to both armies. We were just glad to be alive. Page 21 MILLER/PRIMA: Hey, hot stuff … Page 22 SYSTEM/PRIMA: All cores are fully synchronized. Page 23 Page 24 SYSTEM/Secunda: Initializing Personality Core Update to latest version. All directives will be followed without exception. SYSTEM/Secunda: New directive: We are a nano-organic lifeform. June: FUCK YOU! No! I'm a nano-organic lifeform!? SYSTEM/Secunda: Unit Prima Mercury is our superordinate unit. Her authority is second only to Mistress Amelia. Secunda: New directive: The chassis safety mode is our default appearance. Usage of chassis combat functions requires authorization from Mistress Amelia or Unit Prima. SYSTEM/SECUNDA: New directive: We are Mistress Amelia se-r-va- SYSTEM: ERROR: External chassis disturbance detected. Page 25 SYSTEM/SECUNDA: “Core repair/patch successful. Continue personality formatting sequence.” Page 26 SYSTEM/SECUNDA: Unable to connect to main cluster … AMELIA:“Oh dear … another interloper?” “It appears there are more vermin crawling about my manor than I expected …” Page 27 PRIMA: “Negative, Mistress. There are no records of him in my security detail.” AMELIA: “Hmm … a freelancer, perhaps? It’s not like Apollo to hire outside help.” Page 28 KILL HIM, PRIMA! Page 29 PRIMA: Mistress, please stay still. AMELIA: Prima, report her condition! Page 30 PRIMA: “Scanning … Damage to Secunda is minimal. It should not affect the personality formatting, Mistress.” SYSTEM: REBOOTING MERCURY SYSTEM ... LOADING ... LOADING ... SECUNDA: Per your request, Secunda Silver is registered as my new designation. Page 31 AMELIA: Prima, Secunda, capture and eliminate that intruder. PRIMA/SECUNDA: “Yes, Mistress. We nano-organic life forms exist to serve you.” BIRDS-EYE: “Requesting LZ for extraction.” Page 32 NEST: Roger that, Bird's Eye. LZ on standby, west garden. Birds-eye, watch out! Page 33 Page 34 BIRDS-EYE: Dr. Felsenbern, I know you can hear me. That's for me to know and for you to find out. Tell your robots to back off. Page 35 PRIMA: Orders, Mistress? Page 36 PRIMA: Are you certain about this, Mistress? Your safety is our most important directive. AMELIA: I will offer them a small portion of my work. They will PROBABLY slap me on THE wrist AND then demote me. My nanites being stolen will certainly pose a problem … can’t win them all, I suppose. Prima, Secunda, begin searching for the explosives. Page 37 EXECUTIVE: The only thing that stops Apollo from putting a bullet in your skull is the knowledge inside that brain of yours. Page 38 EXECUTIVE: Stop talking like we’re friends, Amelia. AMELIA: We have known each other since we were kids, right? PRIMA: Mistress, would you like more coffee? AMELIA: No, That’s enough, Prima. EXECUTIVE: Those androids … aren’t they too sophisticated for simple service drones? EXECUTIVE: Hmph. Suit yourself.